Thermodynamic properties of elementary compounds

Select compound: Enter temperature: K C

Article in Wikipedia

Standard enthalpy of formation at 298 K: ΔHAgf 298 = 0
Standard change of Gibbs free energy of formation at 298 K: ΔGAgf 298 = 0
Standard entropy at 298 K: ΔSAgf 298 = J/(mole*K)
Admissible temperature range: ..K

Molar isobaric heat capacity: J/(mole*K)
Enthalpy change: J/mole
Entropy: J/(mole*K)

Formulas for developers and programmers:

a =
b =
c =
s0 =
cp = a + b * T + c / T / T
dh = a * T + b * T * T / 2 + c / T - (a * 273 + b * 273 * 273 / 2 + c / 273)
ds = s0 + a * log(T) / log(e) + b * T + c / T / T / 2 - (a * log(273) / log(e) + b * 273 + c / 273 / 273 / 2)

*e - mathematical constant e = 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757

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