2.5 Enthalpy


As it will be seen below, of paramount importance to various thermodynamic calculations is the sum of the internal energy of a system U and the product of the systems pressure p by the volume of the system V; this quantity is called enthalpy[1] and is denoted by H:


                                                                     H = U + pV                                                           (2.39)


(previously, this thermodynamic quantity was referred to as heat content). It is clear that similar to internal energy enthalpy is an extensive pro­perty of substance:


                                                                        H = hG,                                                              (2.40)


where h is the specific enthalpy (per a unit mass of substance).

For the specific enthalpy we can write


                                                                       h = u+pv                                                             (2.41)


Denoting the number of moles of a substance in a system by M,




where hμ is the molar enthalpy, and


                                                                       H = hμM.                                                             (2.42)


Enthalpy is measured in the units used to measure heat, work and internal energy (see Table 2.1).

Since h and u are related unambiguously, the reference point for enthalpy is linked with the reference point for internal energy: at the point, assumed as a reference for internal energy (u = 0), enthalpy will be equal to h = pv. So, at the above-mentioned zero reference point for the internal energy of water (t = 0.01 °C, p = 610.8 Pa, v = 0.0010002 m3/kg) the enthalpy is equal to h = pv = 610.8 × 0.0010002 = 0.611 J/kg (0.000146 kcal/kg).

Inasmuch as the new function, enthalpy, is made up of quantities which are functions of state (u, p, v), enthalpy is also a function of state. Just as internal energy, the enthalpy of a pure substance can be represented as a function of any two properties, or parameters, of state, for instance, of pressure p and temperature T:


                                                                     h = f (p, T).


Further, as enthalpy is a function of state, its differential is a total diffe­rential:




The mathematical formulation of the first law of thermodynamics for the case where the only kind of work is that of expansion,


                                                                   dq = du + pdv


with account taken of the obvious relationship[2]


                                                               pdv = d(pv) vdp


takes the following form:


                                                           dq = du + d(pv) vdp,


or, which is the same,


                                                            dq = d(u + pv) — vdp,




                                                                  dq = dh — vdp.                                                        (2.44)


It follows from Eq. (2.41) that if the pressure of a system is maintained constant, i.e. an isobaric process is being realized (dp = 0), then


                                                                       dqp = dh,                                                             (2.45)


i.e. the heat added to a system undergoing an isobaric process is only expended to change the enthalpy of the system. From this it follows that the expression for the isobaric heat capacity cp, which in accordance with Eq. (1.69) is equal to




can be presented in the following form:




It is clear from Eq. (2.46) that the constant-pressure heat capacity cp characterises the rate of increase in enthalpy with rising temperature.

With account taken of (2.46), Eq. (2.43), representing the total differential, of enthalpy, takes the following form:




The partial derivative  characterizes the dependence of enthalpy on pressure.

Using condition (2.34), we can show that for an ideal gas




i.e. the enthalpy of an ideal gas does not depend on pressure.

     By analogy, it can then be easily shown that




Relationships similar to (2.48) and (2.49) can be naturally written for a system as a whole:








It follows from relationships (2.50) and (2.51) that the enthalpy of an ideal gas, just like its internal energy, only depends on temperature: with account taken of Eq. (2.48), it follows from Eq. (2.47) that


                                                                      dh = cpdT.                                                            (2.52)


In thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy and heat capacity are referred to as the calorific properties of substance[3], and the specific volume, pressure and temperature, are known as the thermal properties of substance.

Previously, in Chapter 1, we introduced the concept of the equation of state of substance, interrelating any three properties of a pure substance, i.e. representing one of the properties as a function of the other two.

The equation of state, relating two thermal properties of substance, is called the thermal equation of state, and the equation of state, which interrelates the three variables of which at least one is a calorific property, is referred to as the calorific equation of state. It is clear, that functional dependen­ces of the kind h = f (p, T), u =  φ (v, T), etc. can be regarded as calorific equations of state. It will be recalled that the equations of state are strictly individual for each substance.

Since, as it was shown above, the internal energy and the enthalpy of an ideal gas only depend on temperature, it is clear that when applied to an ideal gas, the partial derivatives in the relationships








should be replaced by the total derivatives








From this it follows that for an ideal gas, cv and cp, just as u and i, de­pend only on temperature.

Let us consider now relationship (2.41)


                                                       i = u + pv


applying it to an ideal gas. Differentiating this relationship with respect to temperature, we obtain:




From Clayperon’s equation


                                                                        pv = RT


it follows that




With account taken of this relationship and also of Eqs. (2.31a) and (2.46a), we find from Eq. (2.53) that for an ideal gas


                                                                      cp - cv = R                                                             (2.54)


which is referred to as Mayer's relation.

Making use of this relation, J. R. Mayer as far back as 1842, before Joule's work appeared, attempted to calculate the mechanical equivalent of heat. Having found the magnitude of cp — cv expressed in units of kcal/(kg·K) by measuring the heat capacities of gases at low pressures, and having calculated R in kgf·m/(kg·K) from Clapeyron's equation




Mayer equated the two quantities and, proceeding in this way, calculated the mechanical equivalent of heat. The numerical value of J found by Mayer was not very accurate due to the low accuracy of the experimental values of the heat capacities of the gases, cp and cv.

[1] The term “enthalpy” (from Greek enthálpó – to heat) was introduced by H. Kamerlingh Onnes in 1909.

[2] A transformation of the type


                                                                                 xdy=d (xy) — ydx,


known in mathematics as the Legendre transformation, will be repeatedly used below in the text.


[3] As it will be shown below, there are also other calorific properties.