4.4 Heat capacities
we can write
In particular, for the heat capacity at constant pressure,
Since, as can be seen from Eq. (4.29), for an isobaric process (p = const)
we have
Analogously, for the heat capacity at constant volume,
With account taken of the fact that, as can be seen from Eq. (4.14), in an isochoric process (v = const)
we obtain from Eq. (4.47):
The set of differential equations of thermodynamics permits the establishment of a number of important relations for heat capacities.
with respect to temperature at p = const, we obtain:
To pass from the
partial derivative to the
make use of Eq. (4.13):
Using the relationship (4.25), we get:
Substituting Eq. (4.51) into relation (4.49), we find that
With the aid of Eq. (4.12a), the important equation (4.52) that relates the constant-pressure (isobaric) and constant-volume (isochoric) heat capacities, cp and cv, can also be presented in two forms:
For an ideal gas,
Equation (4.45) can be rewritten in the following way:
Applying Maxwell's relation (4.20), we obtain:
Analogously, for the constant-volume heat capacity Eq. (4.47) yields
whence, with account taken of
Maxwell's relation (4.21), we obtain an equation relating the constant-volume
heat capacity cv and the derivative ,
The relation
expressing the dependence of cp on pressure, i.e. the
quantity is found by
differentiating Eq. (4.31) with respect to temperature at p = const:
Since the sequence of differentiation does not effect a higher-order derivative,
and, consequently,
By analogy, from (4.25) we can derive the equation for the dependence of the constant-volume heat capacity, cv, on volume:
In conclusion, let us formulate one more essential thermodynamic equation, which relates the quantities cp and cv. Dividing (4.55) by (4.56), we get:
Combining equations (4.59) with (4.52), we get the following two relations: