Tip 25. Radar- diagram


Fig 25. Radar-diagram

For visualization of tabular data it is convenient to use special type of business-graphic[1]radar-diagram: rays are drown for the center, on which marks are made that. The marks are situated within range from the center, which is proportional to the elements of traced vector; then the marks are drawn by straight lines. We get the polygon, which square and form reflects properties of some object, process or phenomenon.

The results of visualization of the data, which keep in the matrix Ì, via radar-diagram are showed in the fig. 25. The main point of the problem: nine experts are invited for some ten qualities rating of one or another object.  They are able to estimate from 2 (unsatisfactory) till 5 (excellent mark). On the radar-diagram (but it is nothing but polar graph of Mathcad) the regular polygon is mean mark, which was put down by the experts but the irregular polygon is mean mark for separate qualities: one can see at once where weak «strong» places of the test object using the vertex deviation of the irregular polygon.

It is possible to draw pay-diagram in Mathcad that will reflect the elements of the vector, which sum of values equals 100%. Is it worth to do it? You know that data form Mathcad can be exported to Excel, for example, where there are tools for construction of pay-diagram, radar-diagram and other types of graphs. It is possible to insert a fragment of Excel in Mathcad-document (or Axum – package, which was specially developed for enlargement of graphical possibilities of Mathcad[2]), which is meant for reflection of marked graphic. But we have to remember that when we port the Mathcad-document with such graphics to another computer it will not work if there are no corresponding applications.

[1] Scientific graphic is built-in in Mathcad. For example, business-graphic is built-in in Excel.

[2] Right after Mathcad 2000 Pro one more package – Mathcad 2000 Premium – Mathcad and Axum was produced in one box (plus some changes and additions).