Tip 77. Vector of solutions from Find-function


Fig. 77. Nautilus III

In the fig. 75 two solutions of the problem aboutNautilusdiffer not only the way of writing the equations forming the solvable system (siplificationcomplication), but also the method of call the function Find, that returns the solution of the problem. In the first case (simplified formulas) the function Find is inputted in the output operator “=”[1], but in the second case (complication of the formulas) – in the input operator “:=”. In the fig. 75 the choice of way of call the function Find have not had an influence on search of the result but in the example of the tip 77 – way of call the function has an influence very much.

In the fig. 77 the function Find returns not only one but a set of solutions (a matrix). For it is necessary to put down the value of a range (Range variable – “dummy vector[2]) but not scalar value in one of three constants (first approximation: in our case it is ddiameter of the submarine). This method is described in the Mathcad documentation but for the problem with one unknown. Point is that this method can be used if we insert the function Find into the operator “=”. The operator “:=” gives the bug here. Obviously it is concerned with that the solution is a Nested Arrayvector which elements are new vectors. In the fig. 77 the transposition operator of a matrix and the function of horizontal mating of a matrix (augment) are used in addition for formatting the result. All these allowed to obtain the result as a tabular with the commentaries in ahatwhere there are explanations. It is possible draw a graph by the tabular data but we do it another way (in the tip 78).

[1] In addition the reply was transported for it became more compact. We’ll be back to this method in the given tip. Transportation makes the note not only more compact but also more logical”: the variables (L, LÖ) are written aflat” – as well we obtain the reply aflat” – (80.03 4.75) m.

[2]  It is the author’s opinion that dummy vectoris Range Variable. One the one hand this variable unites scalar values as a vector does. But on the other hand it is impossible to refer these scalar values via index (“non-index vectoris one more name).