Tip 86. Mathcad + Maple = Mathcadaple Pro


Fig. 86. Mathcad + Maple = Mathcadaple

Actually this tip continues previous one, where routine problem for Mathcad (search of roots of an algebraic equation) is solved with help of Maple. But if you wish we can try to solve the problem that is absent in the list of solvable problems in Mathcad. It is more attractive than that we have considered in tip 85.

The work of the function from the arsenal of Maple-function lsolve in Mathcad is showed in the fig. 86. It returns integer (i – integer) solution of such equation as f(x, y) = 0.

Main point of the tip: if we wish we can widen both the list of functions for solution common problems (see tip 85) and the list solvable problems: to carry from Maple in Mathcad both new functions and solution methods of new problems (See the fig 86a too).

List of undocumented function of Mathcad (1)

List of undocumented function of Mathcad (Mathcad 2000-11) (2) from V.I.Korobov)

List of undocumented function of Mathcad (Mathcad 2000-11) (3) from V.I.Korobov)

List 4 List 5 List 6 List 7 List 8 List 9 List 10

List of undocumented function of Mathcad for Linear Algebra (from V.I.Korobov)

Work in Mathcad 2000-11, but not in Mathcad 12/13/14!

Solve ODE and PDE with Maple help