The Foreword for the Third edition of the book «Mathcad 8Pro for Students and Engineers»

The layout of this book is two-sided.

On the one hand this is corrected and updated reprint of two former books written by the author and published by Computer-Press Publishing House in 1996 (Mathcad Plus for Students and Engineers) and in 1998 (Mathcad Pro 7 for Students and Engineers). The forewords to these editions are given below. There was even an idea to design the book cover in the manner when the Mathcad version No is not typed, but arranged as a frame with numbers inserted: 6.0 PLUS, Pro 7, Pro 8 etc., like score is changed during soccer game.

On the other hand, the author added new examples and chapters which extend the knowledge on Mathcad showing that it is an universal software for solution of different tasks related to pure mathematics, physics, economics etc. The application of Mathcad in formalization of fuzzy logics and fuzzy sets is described, methods for structurization, debugging and optimization of Mathcad programs are given, procedures for design of new internal Mathcad functions with C language are detailed etc.

In addition:

1. A lot of attention is definitely given to new features of the “leading” MathCAD version ¾ MathCAD Pro: methods and functions for solution of optimization tasks are described; more flexible instruments for search for equation roots and systems are detailed; extended three-dimensional graphics is given etc. The author tested beta-versions of the software[1]. Comments were sent to designers, and the dialog between the author and MathSoft is partly given in this book.

2. The illustration concept of the book ahs been changed drastically. Now these are not printouts of Mathcad documents, but screen copies (even moldings of several copies[2]) with Mathcad system messages and author’s comments on hints related to user’s dialog with computer. Operators with white background are written on grey background (View Region). Author thinks that this improves “readability” of figures in the book.

3. The book is the manual for mathematics and engineering students of higher educational institutions. In relation to this (and for this) the author added some detailed information which may seem to be unnesessary for those familiar with computer.

4. This book is not only on computer software, but also “on life”. The author made his best (the reader will judge whether successful or not) to address the problems both closely and loosely related to computers (conflicts existing in modern world, computer piracy, tax system, computer and mathematical education etc.).

5. This book is not a comprehensive reference book on Mathcad. Some readers reproach the author: “Instead of simple translation and publishing of the Mathcad documentation, you “rumble” with fire buskets and exercise with “merchant and cloth”. The author replies that “Chukcha” is not a translator, but “writer”, that is, “computer writer” (see Ref. 15 in Exercise 7).

6. Working on the book, the author for the first time used the advantages of Internet: most of comments and suggestions on the previous releases were e-mailed. Here are three e-mail addresses of the author:


Internet homepage of the author:

file where book software and other interesting files may be downloaded from:

Other useful Mathcad addresses:

MathSoft Inc. site (Mathcad designer):

SoftLine site (MathSoft, Inc. representative in Russia:

Personal homepage of V.P. Diakonov, colleague of the author on Mathcad books, whom the author wishes to acknowledge for advice and support:

7. The author strongly recommends to read forewords to two previous releases (see below); they were also updated.

February !999

[1] This could be done by any Mathcad user who had managed to download the 32 MB software from site. The author recommends to visit this site ¾ Mathcad-2000 beta-version is to apper soon!

[2] It is impossible to display in one copy more than one error message and more than one dialog window addressing the hints for user etc.