Usage of the WaterSteamPro in Mathcad Professional

Mathcad Professional - is a mathematical package designed by the MathSoft corporation, Inc. It has historically established that the first versions of the "WaterSteamPro" package were designed in Mathcad and were operable only in its program environment. But, beginning with the 5-th version, all functions were converted to the language C++ enabling thereby operation of the "WaterSteamPro" package in other environments.

It was necessary to import a Mathcad worksheet with function definitions into a new document in order to operate Mathcad-functions for calculation of properties of water and water steam in the previous versions of "WaterSteamPro". For this purpose the Reference mechanism was used. The new version provides access to functions from the OKAWSP6.DLL library by means of the stub-library WSPMCAD.DLL which allow Mathcad calls to be readdressed to OKAWSP6.DLL. The library WSPMCAD.DLL is written using the USEREFI technique allowing connection of functions written in the language C to Mathcad. Unfortunately, policy of the MathSoft corporation is based on the principle that user functions should be enabled only in Mathcad Professional versions. It has resulted in the following requirements to the Mathcad package:

As already mentioned, the WSPMCAD.DLL library allows new capabilities of new version of the "WaterSteamPro" package in Mathcad Professional. The library should be kept in the USEREFI folder of the Mathcad catalog.

Attention: unfortunately, from unification considerations, function names in the 5 "WaterSteamPro" version are incompatible with the previous versions. Therefore function names in Mathcad worksheets using previous versions should be substituted with new ones. A number of functions for calculation of water/water steam properties in the saturation line are also not defined in the 5-th version (however, these functions were little used). Worksheets operating with these functions should use previous versions of the program. Another way - is to apply both the new and the previous version of the "WaterSteamPro" package at the same time (the given opportunity has been successfully tested).

One of the capabilities of the new program version is insertion of functions for calculation of properties of water and water steam into a worksheet through the standard dialog box for the function insertion "Insert Function", which is enabled by means of either the toolbar, or the item "Insert Function…" at the menu "Insert". The folder DOC\FUNCDOC of the Mathcad catalog should keep the file WSPMCAD.XML, keeping definitions of "WaterSteamPro" package functions in order to make the function list appear at the "Insert Function…" dialog box. Since the file WSPMCAD.XML is impossible to be operated in Mathcad 7 Professional, the given Mathcad version does not allow function definitions at the "Insert Function" dialog box.

Successful installation enables free access to functions for calculation of properties of water and water steam through the "Insert Function" dialog box given below. In the absence of the function list at the dialog box it is necessary to reinstall the program or to register required files manually as it was described above. At a last resort, you may address the program author, Konstantin Orlov, by e-mail:

All functions of the "WaterSteamPro" package are displayed in the "Insert Function" dialog box in sections starting with the line "WaterSteamPro" (see Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Dialog box "Insert Function" with "WaterSteamPro" functions

Attention: It's strongly recommended use functions of the WaterSteamPro with dimenstions in Mathcad. For this necessary make reference (Reference) for file "" in active document of Mathcad. How this doins is described in documentation for Mathcad. The description of usage dimension functions given in "Two ways of operation of "WaterSteamPro" functions in Mathcad".