In WSP the most of functions available in demo-mode and only some of them available only in registered version of the WSP. If you call the last functions you will receive the error with code 7. Information about WSP registration given in section registration and in section F.A.Q.

Below given the list of WSP functions available only in registered version. In full list of functions these functions checked with image: .

List of WSP functions, available only in registered version

  1. Properties calculation result (V, U, S, H, CV, W, DVDPt, DUDPt, DSDPt, DHDPt, DVDTp, DUDTp, DSDTp, DHDTp) as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPTPT(p, t, *V, *U, *S, *H, *CV, *W, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)

  2. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspUPT(p, t)

  3. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspHPT(p, t)

  4. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCPPT(p, t)

  5. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCVPT(p, t)

  6. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspWPT(p, t)

  7. Thermal conduction [W/(m·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspTHERMCONDPT(p, t)

  8. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspDYNVISPT(p, t)

  9. Prandtl number as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspPRANDTLEPT(p, t)

  10. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspKINVISPT(p, t)

  11. Isoentropic exponent as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspKPT(p, t)

  12. Joule-Thompson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:


  13. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspUPTX(p, t, x)

  14. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspHPTX(p, t, x)

  15. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspCPPTX(p, t, x)

  16. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspCVPTX(p, t, x)

  17. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspWPTX(p, t, x)

  18. Thermal conduction [W/(m·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspTHERMCONDPTX(p, t, x)

  19. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspDYNVISPTX(p, t, x)

  20. Prandtl number as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspPRANDTLEPTX(p, t, x)

  21. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspKINVISPTX(p, t, x)

  22. Isoentropic exponent as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspKPTX(p, t, x)

  23. Joule-Thompson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspJOULETHOMPSONPTX(p, t, x)

  24. Temperature [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspTPH(p, h)

  25. Temperature [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTPS(p, s)

  26. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspUPH(p, h)

  27. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspVPH(p, h)

  28. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspSPH(p, h)

  29. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspCPPH(p, h)

  30. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspCVPH(p, h)

  31. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspWPH(p, h)

  32. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspDYNVISPH(p, h)

  33. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspKINVISPH(p, h)

  34. Prandtl number as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspPRANDTLEPH(p, h)

  35. Thermal conduction [W/(m·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspTHERMCONDPH(p, h)

  36. Isoentropic exponent as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspKPH(p, h)

  37. Joule-Thompson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:


  38. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspUPS(p, s)

  39. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspVPS(p, s)

  40. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspHPS(p, s)

  41. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspCPPS(p, s)

  42. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspCVPS(p, s)

  43. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspWPS(p, s)

  44. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspDYNVISPS(p, s)

  45. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspKINVISPS(p, s)

  46. Prandtl number as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPRANDTLEPS(p, s)

  47. Isoentropic exponent as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspKPS(p, s)

  48. Thermal conduction [W/(m·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTHERMCONDPS(p, s)

  49. Joule-Thompson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:


  50. Temperature [K] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspTEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  51. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspVEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  52. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspUEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  53. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspHEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  54. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspSEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  55. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspCPEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  56. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspCVEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  57. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspWEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  58. Thermal conduction [W/(m·K)] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspTHERMCONDEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  59. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspKINVISEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  60. Dynamic viscocity [Pa·sec] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspDYNVISEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  61. Prandtl number as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspPRANDTLEEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  62. Isoentropic coefficient as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspKEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  63. Joule-Thompson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:


  64. Temperature [K] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspTEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  65. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspVEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  66. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspUEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  67. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspHEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  68. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspSEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  69. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspCPEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  70. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspCVEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  71. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspWEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  72. Thermal conduction [W/(m·K)] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspTHERMCONDEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  73. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspKINVISEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  74. Dynamic viscocity [Pa·sec] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspDYNVISEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  75. Prandtl number as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspPRANDTLEEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  76. Isoentropic coefficient as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspKEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  77. Joule-Thompson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:


  78. Degree of dryness as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], degree of dryness in initial point x0 [], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspXEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)

  79. Degree of dryness as function of: pressure in initial point p0 [Pa], temperature in initial point t0 [K], pressure in final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency eff []:

    wspXEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)

  80. Specific volume of meta-stable supercooled steam [m3/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVMSPT(p, t)

  81. Specific internal energy of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspUMSPT(p, t)

  82. Specific entropy of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspSMSPT(p, t)

  83. Specific enthalpy of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspHMSPT(p, t)

  84. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCPMSPT(p, t)

  85. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCVMSPT(p, t)

  86. Sound velocity of meta-stable supercooled steam [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspWMSPT(p, t)

  87. Thermal conduction of meta-stable supercooled steam [W/(m·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspTHERMCONDMSPT(p, t)

  88. Dynamic viscosity of meta-stable supercooled steam [Pa·sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspDYNVISMSPT(p, t)

  89. Prandtl number of meta-stable supercooled steam as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspPRANDTLEMSPT(p, t)

  90. Kinematic viscosity of meta-stable supercooled steam [m2/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspKINVISMSPT(p, t)

  91. Isoentropic exponent of meta-stable supercooled steam as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspKMSPT(p, t)

  92. Joule-Thompson coefficient of meta-stable supercooled steam [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:


  93. Specific internal energy in area 1 [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspU1PT(p, t)

  94. Specific enthalpy in area 1 [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspH1PT(p, t)

  95. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) in area 1 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP1PT(p, t)

  96. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) in area 1 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV1PT(p, t)

  97. Sound velocity in area 1 [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspW1PT(p, t)

  98. Joule-Thompson coefficient in area 1 [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:


  99. Properties calculation result in area 1 (V, U, S, H, CV, W, DVDPt, DUDPt, DSDPt, DHDPt, DVDTp, DUDTp, DSDTp, DHDTp) as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT1PT(p, t, *V, *U, *S, *H, *CV, *W, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)

  100. Specific internal energy in area 2 [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspU2PT(p, t)

  101. Specific enthalpy in area 2 [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspH2PT(p, t)

  102. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) in area 2 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP2PT(p, t)

  103. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) in area 2 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV2PT(p, t)

  104. Sound velocity in area 2 [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspW2PT(p, t)

  105. Joule-Thompson coefficient in area 2 [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:


  106. Properties calculation result in area 2 (V, U, S, H, CV, W, DVDPt, DUDPt, DSDPt, DHDPt, DVDTp, DUDTp, DSDTp, DHDTp) as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT2PT(p, t, *V, *U, *S, *H, *CV, *W, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)

  107. Specific internal energy in area 3 [J/kg] as function of: density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspU3RT(r, t)

  108. Specific entropy in area 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspS3RT(r, t)

  109. Specific enthalpy in area 3 [J/kg] as function of: density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspH3RT(r, t)

  110. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) in area 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP3RT(r, t)

  111. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) in area 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV3RT(r, t)

  112. Sound velocity in area 3 [m/sec] as function of: density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspW3RT(r, t)

  113. Properties calculation result in area 3 (V, U, S, H, CV, W, DVDPt, DUDPt, DSDPt, DHDPt, DVDTp, DUDTp, DSDTp, DHDTp) as function of: density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT3RT(r, t, *V, *U, *S, *H, *CV, *W, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)

  114. Specific internal energy in area 3 [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspU3PT(p, t)

  115. Specific enthalpy in area 3 [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspH3PT(p, t)

  116. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) in area 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP3PT(p, t)

  117. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) in area 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV3PT(p, t)

  118. Sound velocity in area 3 [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspW3PT(p, t)

  119. Joule-Thompson coefficient in area 3 [K/Pa] as function of: density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:


  120. Joule-Thompson coefficient in area 3 [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:


  121. Properties calculation result in area 3 (V, U, S, H, CV, W, DVDPt, DUDPt, DSDPt, DHDPt, DVDTp, DUDTp, DSDTp, DHDTp) as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT3PT(p, t, *V, *U, *S, *H, *CV, *W, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)

  122. Specific internal energy in area 5 [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspU5PT(p, t)

  123. Specific enthalpy in area 5 [J/kg] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspH5PT(p, t)

  124. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) in area 5 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP5PT(p, t)

  125. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) in area 5 [J/(kg·K)] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV5PT(p, t)

  126. Sound velocity in area 5 [m/sec] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspW5PT(p, t)

  127. Properties calculation result in area 5 (V, U, S, H, CV, W, DVDPt, DUDPt, DSDPt, DHDPt, DVDTp, DUDTp, DSDTp, DHDTp) as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT5PT(p, t, *V, *U, *S, *H, *CV, *W, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)

  128. Joule-Thompson coefficient in area 5 [K/Pa] as function of: pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:


  129. Temperature in area 1 [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT1PH(p, h)

  130. Temperature in area 1 [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT1PS(p, s)

  131. Temperature in area 2a [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT2APH(p, h)

  132. Temperature in area 2a [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2APS(p, s)

  133. Temperature in area 2b [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT2BPH(p, h)

  134. Temperature in area 2b [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2BPS(p, s)

  135. Temperature in area 2c [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT2CPH(p, h)

  136. Temperature in area 2c [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2CPS(p, s)

  137. Temperature in area 2 [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT2PH(p, h)

  138. Temperature in area 2 [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2PS(p, s)

  139. Temperature in area 3 [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT3PH(p, h)

  140. Temperature in area 3 [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT3PS(p, s)

  141. Temperature in area 5 [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT5PH(p, h)

  142. Temperature in area 5 [K] as function of: pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT5PS(p, s)

  143. Specific internal energy of steam at saturation line [J/kg] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  144. Specific internal energy of water at saturation line [J/kg] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  145. Specific enthalpy of steam at saturation line [J/kg] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  146. Specific enthalpy of water at saturation line [J/kg] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  147. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) of steam at saturation line [J/(kg·K)] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  148. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) of water at saturation line [J/(kg·K)] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  149. Specific isochoric heat capacity (Cv) of steam at saturation line from the double-phase region [J/(kg·K)] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  150. Specific isochoric heat capacity (Cv) of water at saturation line from the double-phase region [Ac/(ea·K)] as function of: nledldrnodr t [K]:


  151. Sound velocity in steam at saturation line [m/sec] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  152. Sound velocity in water at saturation line [m/sec] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  153. Thermal conduction of steam at saturation line [W/(m·K)] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  154. Thermal conduction of water at saturation line [W/(m·K)] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  155. Dynamic viscosity of steam at saturation line [Pa·sec] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  156. Dynamic viscosity of water at saturation line [Pa·sec] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  157. Prandtl number of steam at saturation line as function of: temperature t [K]:


  158. Prandtl number of water at saturation line as function of: temperature t [K]:


  159. Kinematic viscosity of steam at saturation line [m2/sec] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  160. Kinematic viscosity of water at saturation line [m2/sec] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  161. Isoentropic exponent of steam at saturation line as function of: temperature t [K]:


  162. Isoentropic exponent of water at saturation line as function of: temperature t [K]:


  163. Joule-Thompson coefficient of steam at saturation line [K/Pa] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  164. Joule-Thompson coefficient of water at saturation line [K/Pa] as function of: temperature t [K]:


  165. Properties calculation result for water at saturation line (V, U, S, H, CV, W, DVDPt, DUDPt, DSDPt, DHDPt, DVDTp, DUDTp, DSDTp, DHDTp) as function of: temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPTSWT(t, *V, *U, *S, *H, *CV, *W, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)

  166. Properties calculation result for steam at saturation line (V, U, S, H, CV, W, DVDPt, DUDPt, DSDPt, DHDPt, DVDTp, DUDTp, DSDTp, DHDTp) as function of: temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPTSST(t, *V, *U, *S, *H, *CV, *W, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)

  167. Specific internal energy in double phase area [J/kg] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspUSTX(t, x)

  168. Specific entropy in double phase area [J/(kg·K)] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspSSTX(t, x)

  169. Specific enthalpy in double phase area [J/kg] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspHSTX(t, x)

  170. Specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) in double phase area [J/(kg·K)] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspCVSTX(t, x)

  171. Sound velocity in double phase area [m/sec] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspWSTX(t, x)

  172. Joule-Thompson coefficient in double phase area [K/Pa] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:


  173. Thermal conduction in double phase area [W/(m·K)] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspTHERMCONDSTX(t, x)

  174. Dynamic viscosity in double phase area [Pa·sec] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspDYNVISSTX(t, x)

  175. Prandtl number in double phase area as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspPRANDTLESTX(t, x)

  176. Kinematic viscosity in double phase area [m2/sec] as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspKINVISSTX(t, x)

  177. Isoentropic exponent in double phase area as function of: temperature t [K], degree of dryness x []:

    wspKSTX(t, x)

  178. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], specific internal energy u [J/kg]:

    wspXSTU(t, u)

  179. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspXSTH(t, h)

  180. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) cp [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspXSTCP(t, cp)

  181. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) cv [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspXSTCV(t, cv)

  182. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], sound velocity w [m/sec]:

    wspXSTW(t, w)

  183. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], thermal conduction tc [W/(m·K)]:

    wspXSTTHERMCOND(t, tc)

  184. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], dynamic viscosity dv [Pa·sec]:

    wspXSTDYNVIS(t, dv)

  185. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], kinematic viscosity kv [m2/sec]:

    wspXSTKINVIS(t, kv)

  186. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], Prandtl number pr []:

    wspXSTPRANDTLE(t, pr)

  187. Degree of dryness as function of: temperature t [K], Isoentropic exponent k []:

    wspXSTK(t, k)