In WSP exist category of some functions, named as "non thermodynamic" category, in which functions calculates properties of water and steam, which not having the physical mean. As example – function wspCPSTX(t, x), which calculate specific isobaric heat capacity (Cp) in double phase for temperature t and degree of dryness x. In reality, specific isobaric heat capacity in double area have infinity value. But this function return the value determine as:
Cpsw(t)·(1 - x) + Cpss(t)·x,
where Cpsw(t) – function of specific isobaric heat capacity of water at saturation line; wss(t) – function of specific isobaric heat capacity of steam at saturation line.
All same functions are marked by sign in list of WSP functions. These function are defined for case when needed optimization and search the root. In this case may be needed the results of functions beyond the bounds of it's definitions.
For solution of this problem in WSP defined additional functions for calculation properties, but which return not real (physical ) values.
Alse for this purpose in functions of the WSP added the future for cancel the check of values of function's arguments. By default in functions before calculating properties carry out the check for propriety of arguments range, and after that calculated properties. When the arguments out of bounds the error with code 2 (WSP_OUT_OF_RANGE) are generate.
For cancel of check range in WSP defined function wspSETCHECKRANGEMODE(mode). When your are call this function with argument equal to zero (0) the check is cancel.