Adjustment of the WaterSteamPro Calculator (Visual Basic)

The program "WaterSteamPro Calculator" allows setting output values of water and water steam properties for various physical units and formats. The file "WATERSTEAMPRO.INI" serves for that purpose which is stored in the program directory containing the program "WaterSteamPro Calculator". The given file is a standard file of Windows settings containing sections, keys and corresponding values. Description of the file format is given below.

Section [Format]

The given section allows setting output format of water and water steam properties. Formatting parameters are activated by a call of the built-in function "FORMAT" present in the programming language Visual Basic, therefore the user may find their description in any edition illustrating Visual Basic operations.

Possible keys available in the given section:

Setup of units

All functions of the OKAWSP5.DLL library take arguments as initial values and return values in the format of International System of Units (SI system). The program "WaterSteamPro Calculator" allows recalculation of output data into different units and supports setting new units. For this purpose the "WATERSTEAMPRO.INI" file contains a number of sections enabling setting correspondence between user units and standard SI units. Section structure provides two keys for any unit ¾ the first one is a unit "name", and the second one - is a "conversion factor" for a new dimension and a standard one. Key names for dimension setting are composed respecting the following rule: a string "Name_" and "¹", where "¹" - is a sequence number of a current dimension in the given section. Key names for the dimension "conversion factor" - is a string "Value_" and "¹". Numeration starts with unity and should not contain misses. Example of creation of a pressure dimension set is given in what follows. The corresponding section is named "Pressure". Therefore the file "WATERSTEAMPRO.INI" may include the following lines:

Name_5=in hg
Name_7=mm hg

The example under examination defines seven additional dimensions with the following names: "bar", "MPa", "Psi", "atm", "in hg", "torr", "mm hg". Each dimension has its own conversion factor. The base pressure SI unit is Pascal. One bar contains 100 000 Pa, therefore the conversion factor for dimension "bar" - is 100 000. The remaining conversion factors are estimated in a similar manner. Possible number of dimensions is limited only by system resources.

Sections of the setting file allowing preset of dimensions are given below: