WaterSteamPro functions list

    Category: General

    Recommended to use functions.

  1. Surface tension [N/m] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The function is based on the IAPWS Release on The Surface Tension of Ordinary Water Substance 1995. The range of validity is from triple point (0.01°C) to 647.096 K.

  2. Properties calculation result as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPTPT(p, t, *v, *u, *s, *h, *Cv, *w, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspVUSHDERPTxPT) is used to return the set of properties and so speed up calculation of several values in one point.

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (p, t) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  3. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspVxPT) is used.

  4. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspUPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspUxPT) is used.

  5. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspSPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspSxPT) is used.

  6. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspHPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspHxPT) is used.

  7. Specific isobaric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCPPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspCPxPT) is used.

  8. Specific isochoric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCVPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspCVxPT) is used.

  9. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspWPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspWxPT) is used.

  10. Joule-Thomson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:



    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA2 is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspJOULETHOMPSONxPT) is used.

  11. Thermal conductivity coefficient [W/(m·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspTHERMCONDPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for thermal conductivity (see function wspTHERMCONDRT). The function wspTHERMCONDRT is used for calculation the argument of which is density defined by the reverse value of function wspVPT.

  12. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspDYNVISPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). The function wspDYNVISRT is used for calculation the argument of which is density defined by reverse value of the function wspVPT.

  13. Prandtl number [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspPRANDTLEPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulations for the properties included in the equation to calculate sought quantity. The equation is: Pr = DYNVIS · CP / THERMCOND is used for calculation, where DYNVIS is calculated by the function wspDYNVISPT, CP - by wspCPPT and THERMCOND - by wspTHERMCONDPT.

  14. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspKINVISPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). The equation is: KINVIS = DYNVIS · V is used for calculation, where DYNVIS defined by the function wspDYNVISPT and V - by wspVPT.

  15. Isoentropic exponent [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspKPT(p, t)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Used equation is: K = W · W / (P · V) is used for calculation, where W (sound velocity) is defined by the function wspWPT, P - pressure and V (specific volume) - by wspVPT.

  16. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspVPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspVxPT or wspVSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  17. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspUPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspUxPT or wspUSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  18. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspSPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspSxPT or wspSSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  19. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspHPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspHxPT or wspHSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  20. Specific isobaric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspCPPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspCPxPT or wspCPSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  21. Specific isochoric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspCVPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspCVxPT or wspCVSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  22. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspWPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspWxPT or wspWSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  23. Joule-Thomson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspJOULETHOMPSONPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspJOULETHOMPSONPT or wspJOULETHOMPSONSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  24. Thermal conductivity coefficient [W/(m·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspTHERMCONDPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for thermal conductivity (see function wspTHERMCONDRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTHERMCONDPT or wspTHERMCONDSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  25. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspDYNVISPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspDYNVISPT or wspDYNVISSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  26. Prandtl number [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspPRANDTLEPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulations for the properties included in the equation to calculate sought quantity (see function wspPRANDTLEPT, wspTHERMCONDRT, wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspPRANDTLEPPT or wspPRANDTLEPSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  27. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspKINVISPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspKINVISPT or wspKINVISSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  28. Isoentropic exponent [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspKPTX(p, t, x)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREA is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspKPT or wspKSTX) is used. If the point is out of the double-phase area the value of vapor fraction is ignored.

  29. Temperature [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspTPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  30. Temperature [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  31. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspUPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspUxPT or wspUSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  32. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspVPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspVPTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  33. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspSPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspSPTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  34. Specific isobaric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspCPPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspCPxPT or wspCPSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  35. Specific isochoric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspCVPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspCVxPT or wspCVSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  36. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspWPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspWxPT or wspWSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  37. Joule-Thomson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:



    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspJOULETHOMPSONPT or wspJOULETHOMPSONSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  38. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspDYNVISPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspDYNVISPT or wspDYNVISSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  39. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspKINVISPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspKINVISPT or wspKINVISSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  40. Prandtl number [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspPRANDTLEPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulations for the properties included in the equation to calculate sought quantity (see function wspPRANDTLEPT, wspTHERMCONDRT, wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspPRANDTLEPT or wspPRANDTLESTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  41. Isoentropic exponent [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspKPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspKPT or wspKSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  42. Thermal conductivity coefficient [W/(m·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspTHERMCONDPH(p, h)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for thermal conductivity (see function wspTHERMCONDRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPH) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspTHERMCONDPT or wspTHERMCONDSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  43. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspUPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspUxPT or wspUSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  44. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspVPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspVxPT or wspVPTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  45. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspHPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspHxPT or wspHSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  46. Specific isobaric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspCPPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspCPxPT or wspCPSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  47. Specific isochoric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspCVPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspCVxPT or wspCVSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  48. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspWPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspWxPT or wspWSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  49. Joule-Thomson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:



    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspJOULETHOMPSONPT or wspJOULETHOMPSONSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  50. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspDYNVISPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspDYNVISPT or wspDYNVISSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  51. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspKINVISPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspKINVISPT or wspKINVISSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  52. Prandtl number [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPRANDTLEPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulations for the properties included in the equation to calculate sought quantity (see function wspPRANDTLEPT, wspTHERMCONDRT, wspDYNVISRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspPRANDTLEPT or wspPRANDLTESTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  53. Isoentropic exponent [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspKPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspKPT or wspKSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  54. Thermal conductivity coefficient [W/(m·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTHERMCONDPS(p, s)


    The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for thermal conductivity (see function wspTHERMCONDRT). The function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS is used to determine the IF-97 region. Then the necessary function (wspTxPS) is used. Finally, the necessary function (wspTHERMCONDPT or wspTHERMCONDSTX) is called. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  55. Temperature at the end of expansion/compression process [K] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspTEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  56. Specific volume at the end of expansion/compression process [m3/kg] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspVEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  57. Specific internal energy at the end of expansion/compression process [J/kg] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspUEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  58. Specific enthalpy at the end of expansion/compression process [J/kg] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspHEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  59. Specific entropy at the end of expansion/compression process [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspSEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  60. Specific isobaric heat capacity at the end of expansion/compression process [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspCPEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  61. Specific isochoric heat capacity at the end of expansion/compression process [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspCVEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  62. Sound velocity at the end of expansion/compression process [m/sec] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspWEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  63. Thermal conductivity coefficient at the end of expansion/compression process [W/(m·K)] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspTHERMCONDEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for thermal conductivity (see function wspTHERMCONDRT). Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  64. Kinematic viscosity at the end of expansion/compression process [m2/sec] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspKINVISEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  65. Dynamic viscosity at the end of expansion/compression process [Pa·sec] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspDYNVISEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  66. Prandtl number at the end of expansion/compression process [-] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspPRANDTLEEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulations for the properties included in the equation to calculate sought quantity (see function wspPRANDTLEPT, wspTHERMCONDRT, wspDYNVISRT). Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  67. Isoentropic exponent at the end of expansion/compression process [-] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspKEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  68. Joule-Thomson coefficient at the end of expansion/compression process [K/Pa] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:



    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  69. Temperature at the end of expansion/compression process [K] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspTEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  70. Specific volume at the end of expansion/compression process [m3/kg] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspVEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  71. Specific internal energy at the end of expansion/compression process [J/kg] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspUEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), w- specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in final point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in final point with isoentropic expansion (s = Const). For the calculating the process of compression you must to use instead the efficiency eff the inverse number (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  72. Specific enthalpy at the end of expansion/compression process [J/kg] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspHEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  73. Specific entropy at the end of expansion/compression process [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspSEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  74. Specific isobaric heat capacity at the end of expansion/compression process [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspCPEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  75. Specific isochoric heat capacity at the end of expansion/compression process [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspCVEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  76. Sound velocity at the end of expansion/compression process [m/sec] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspWEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  77. Thermal conductivity coefficient at the end of expansion/compression process [W/(m·K)] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspTHERMCONDEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for thermal conductivity (see function wspTHERMCONDRT). Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  78. Kinematic viscosity at the end of expansion/compression process [m2/sec] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspKINVISEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  79. Dynamic viscosity at the end of expansion/compression process [Pa·sec] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspDYNVISEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  80. Prandtl number at the end of expansion/compression process [-] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspPRANDTLEEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulations for the properties included in the equation to calculate sought quantity (see function wspPRANDTLEPT, wspTHERMCONDRT, wspDYNVISRT). Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  81. Isoentropic exponent [-] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspKEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  82. Joule-Thomson coefficient at the end of expansion/compression process [K/Pa] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:



    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  83. Vapor fraction at the end of expansion/compression process [-] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], vapor fraction at initial point x0 [-], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspXEXPANSIONPTXPEFF(p0, t0, x0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  84. Vapor fraction at the end of expansion/compression process [-] as function of pressure at initial point p0 [Pa], temperature at initial point t0 [K], pressure at final point p1 [Pa], internal efficiency of process eff [-]:

    wspXEXPANSIONPTPEFF(p0, t0, p1, eff)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function returns a parameter at the end of the expansion process from initial point with arguments p0, t0, x0 to pressure p1 with relative efficiency eff. The process is calculated by the formula: h1 = h0 - eff * (h0 - h1isoent), where h0 - specific enthalpy in initial point, h1 - specific enthalpy in finite point of the expansion, eff - efficiency, h1isoentr - specific enthalpy in finite point at isoentropic equilibrium expansion (s = Const). For compression process calculation it is necessary to use the value inverse to the efficiency eff (i.e. 1/eff). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  85. Pressure [Pa] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  86. Temperature [K] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  87. Properties calculation result as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPTHS(h, s, *p, *t)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantities are calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (h, s) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  88. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspVHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  89. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspUHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  90. Specific isobaric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspCPHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  91. Specific isochoric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspCVHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  92. Sound velocity [m/sec] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspWHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  93. Joule-Thomson coefficient [K/Pa] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:



    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  94. Thermal conductivity coefficient [W/(m·K)] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTHERMCONDHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for thermal conductivity (see function wspTHERMCONDRT). Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  95. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspDYNVISHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  96. Prandtl number [-] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPRANDTLEHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulations for the properties included in the equation to calculate sought quantity (see function wspPRANDTLEPT, wspTHERMCONDRT, wspDYNVISRT). Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  97. Kinematic viscosity [m2/sec] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspKINVISHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97 and in formulation for dynamic viscosity (see function wspDYNVISRT). Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  98. Isoentropic exponent [-] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspKHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  99. Vapor fraction [-] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspXHS(h, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. Function works as follows. For first the IF-97 region is determined by function wspWATERSTATEAREAHS. Then the original variables are defined for basic equation of IF-97 region at this point (by functions wspPTxHS and wspRT3HS). Then the sought quantity is calculated on these data. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  100. Vapor fraction [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspXPH(p, h)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The IF-97 region is determined for given p and h (by function wspWATERSTATEAREAPH). If the region is double-phase the sought parameter is calculated. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  101. Vapor fraction [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspXPS(p, s)


    It is a function. The range of the validity is within that described in IF-97. The IF-97 region is determined for given p and s (by function wspWATERSTATEAREAPS). If the region is double-phase the sought parameter is calculated. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  102. Category: Saturation Line

    Functions for calculation properties at saturation line for water and vapor.

  103. Pressure at saturation line [Pa] as function of temperature t [K]:



    Function is based upon the Supplementary Release on Saturation Properties of Ordinary Water Substance from IAPWS. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  104. Derivative of saturation pressure on saturation temperature [Pa/K] as function of temperature t [K]:



    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Saturation Properties of Ordinary Water Substance" from International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  105. Temperature at saturation line [K] as function of pressure p [Pa]:



    Function is based upon the Supplementary Release on Saturation Properties of Ordinary Water Substance from IAPWS. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C or 611.657 Pa) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C or 22.064 MPa).

  106. Specific volume of steam at saturation line [m3/kg] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  107. Specific volume of water at saturation line [m3/kg] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  108. Rough value of density of steam at saturation line [kg/m3] as function of temperature t [K]:



    This function allows to calculate quickly rough value of steam density at saturation line. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  109. Rough value of density of water at saturation line [kg/m3] as function of temperature t [K]:



    This function allows to calculate quickly rough value of steam density at saturation line. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  110. Specific internal energy of steam at saturation line [J/kg] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  111. Specific internal energy of water at saturation line [J/kg] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  112. Specific entropy of steam at saturation line [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  113. Specific entropy of water at saturation line [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  114. Specific enthalpy of steam at saturation line [J/kg] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  115. Specific enthalpy of water at saturation line [J/kg] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  116. Specific isobaric heat capacity of steam at saturation line [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  117. Specific isobaric heat capacity of water at saturation line [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  118. Specific isochoric heat capacity of steam at saturation line from the one-phase region [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  119. Specific isochoric heat capacity of water at saturation line from the one-phase region [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  120. Specific isochoric heat capacity of steam at saturation line from the double-phase region [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    Function returns the sum of specific isochoric heat capacity of steam from one-phase region (function wspCVSST) and additional increment calculated by corresponding thermodynamic formulas. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  121. Specific isochoric heat capacity of water at saturation line from the double-phase region [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    Function returns the sum of specific isochoric heat capacity of water from one-phase region (function wspCVSWT) and additional increment calculated by corresponding thermodynamic formulas. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  122. Sound velocity in steam at saturation line [m/sec] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  123. Sound velocity in water at saturation line [m/sec] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  124. Joule-Thomson coefficient of steam at saturation line [K/Pa] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  125. Joule-Thomson coefficient of water at saturation line [K/Pa] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  126. Thermal conductivity coefficient of steam at saturation line [W/(m·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  127. Thermal conductivity coefficient of water at saturation line [W/(m·K)] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  128. Dynamic viscosity of steam at saturation line [Pa·sec] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  129. Dynamic viscosity of water at saturation line [Pa·sec] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  130. Prandtl number of steam at saturation line [-] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  131. Prandtl number of water at saturation line [-] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  132. Kinematic viscosity of steam at saturation line [m2/sec] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  133. Kinematic viscosity of water at saturation line [m2/sec] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  134. Isoentropic exponent of steam at saturation line [-] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  135. Isoentropic exponent of water at saturation line [-] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  136. Specific evaporation heat [J/kg] as function of temperature t [K]:



    The result of function is calculated by formula r = (hs - hw), where hs - specific enthalpy of steam at saturation line, hw - specific enthalpy of water at saturation line. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  137. Properties calculation result for water at saturation line as function of temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPTSWT(t, *v, *u, *s, *h, *Cv, *w, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)


    The function is based upon IF-97 formulation. It returns the property set that speed up calculation considerably. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (t) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  138. Properties calculation result for steam at saturation line as function of temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPTSST(t, *v, *u, *s, *h, *Cv, *w, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)


    The function is based upon IF-97 formulation. It returns the property set that speed up calculation considerably. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (t) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  139. Specific enthalpy of steam at saturation line [J/kg] as function of specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:



    Function uses the special equation from Supplementory Release for IF-97 Formulation. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  140. Specific enthalpy of water at saturation line [J/kg] as function of specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:



    Function uses the special equation from Supplementory Release for IF-97 Formulation. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C).

  141. Temperature at saturation line [K] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTSHS(h, s)


    Function calculates saturation temperature on a base of thermodunamic formulas. Newton method is used to determine the root. The range of validity is from triple point of water (0.01°C) to critical point (647.096K or 373.946°C). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  142. Category: Double-phase area

    Functions for calculation properties in double-phase area: water-vapor.

  143. Specific volume in double-phase area [m3/kg] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspVSTX(t, x)


    Function uses the functions wspVSST and wspVSWT which return specific volumes of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: Vx = (1 - X)·Vw + X·Vs, where Vs = wspVSST, Vw = wspVSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  144. Specific internal energy in double-phase area [J/kg] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspUSTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspUSST and wspUSWT which return specific internal energies of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: Ux = (1 - X)·Uw + X·Us, where Us = wspUSST, Uw = wspUSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  145. Specific entropy in double-phase area [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspSSTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspSSST and wspSSWT which return specific entropies of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: Sx = (1 - X)·Sw + X·Ss, where Ss = wspSSST, Sw = wspSSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  146. Specific enthalpy in double-phase area [J/kg] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspHSTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspHSST and wspHSWT which return specific enthalpies of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: Hx = (1 - X)·Hw + X·Hs, where Hs = wspHSST, Hw = wspHSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  147. Specific isobaric heat capacity in double-phase area [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspCPSTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspCPSST and wspCPSWT which return specific heat capacities at constant pressure (Cp) of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: CPx = (1 - X)·CPw + X·CPs, where CPs = wspCPSST, CPw = wspCPSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  148. Specific isochoric heat capacity in double-phase area [J/(kg·K)] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspCVSTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspCVDPSST and wspCVDPSWT which return specific heat capacities at constant volume (Cv) of steam and water at saturation line in the double-phase region area. The function uses following formula: CVx = (1 - X)·CVDPw + X·CVDPs, where CVDPs = wspCVDPSST, CVDPw = wspCVDPSWT and X - vapor fraction. This function used functions wspCVSST and wspCVSWT until version 5.6 which is not conform to thermodynamic, because it neglects the jump of properties at saturation line. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  149. Sound velocity in double-phase area [m/sec] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspWSTX(t, x)


    Function uses function wspKSTX to calculate sound velocity in double-phase area conforming with thermodynamic. The function neglects the flow structure. Until version 5.6 this function used following formula: Wx = (1 - X)·Ww + X·Ws, where Ws = wspWSST, Ww = wspWSWT and X - vapor fraction, which disagrees with thermodynamic because it neglects the property jump at saturation line. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  150. Joule-Thomson coefficient in double-phase area [K/Pa] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:



    Function calculate the Joule-Thomson coefficient in double-phase area by equation at saturation line: JT = (dT/dP)h. Until version 5.6 the function used wspJOULETHOMPSONSST and wspJOULETHOMPSONSWT and returned value from following formula: JTx = (1 - X)·JOULETHOMPSONw + X·JOULETHOMPSONs, where JOULETHOMPSONs = wspJOULETHOMPSONSST, JOULETHOMPSONw = wspJOULETHOMPSONSWT and X - vapor vapor fraction that did not conform to definition of Joule-Thomson coefficient. Now it calculates correctly. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  151. Thermal conductivity coefficient in double-phase area [W/(m·K)] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspTHERMCONDSTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspTHERMCONDSST and wspTHERMCONDSWT which return thermal conductivity of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: THERMCONDx = (1 - X)·THERMCONDw + X·THERMCONDs, where THERMCONDs = wspTHERMCONDSST, THERMCONDw = wspTHERMCONDSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  152. Dynamic viscosity in double-phase area [Pa·sec] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspDYNVISSTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspDYNVISSST and wspDYNVISSWT which return dynamic viscosity of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: DYNVISx = (1 - X)·DYNVISw + X·DYNVISs, where DYNVISs = wspDYNVISSST, DYNVISw = wspDYNVISSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  153. Prandtl number in double-phase area [-] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspPRANDTLESTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspPRANDTLESST and wspPRANDTLESWT which returns Prandtl numbers of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses following formula: PRANDTLEx = (1 - X)·PRANDTLEw + X·PRANDTLEs, where PRANDTLEs = wspPRANDTLESST, PRANDTLEw = wspPRANDTLESWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  154. Kinematic viscosity in double-phase area [m2/sec] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspKINVISSTX(t, x)


    Function uses functions wspKINVISSST and wspKINVISSWT which return kinematic viscosities of steam and water at saturation line. The function uses next formula: KINVISx = (1 - X)·KINVISw + X·KINVISs, where KINVISs = wspKINVISSST, KINVISw = wspKINVISSWT and X - vapor fraction. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  155. Isoentropic exponent in double-phase area [-] as function of temperature t [K], vapor fraction x [-]:

    wspKSTX(t, x)


    Function calculate isoentropic exponent in double-phase area considering property jump at saturation line. Until version 5.6 this function uses following formula: Kx = (1 - X)·Kw + X·Ks, where Ks = wspKSST, Kw = wspKSWT and X - vapor fraction. But that is not agree with thermodynamic. Now it is calculated properly. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  156. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], specific volume v [m3/kg]:

    wspXSTV(t, v)


    This function uses formula: X = (V - Vw)/(Vs - Vw), where Vw = wspVSWT, Vs = wspVSST. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  157. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], specific internal energy u [J/kg]:

    wspXSTU(t, u)


    This function uses formula: X = (U - Uw)/(Us - Uw), where Uw = wspUSWT, Us = wspUSST. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  158. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspXSTS(t, s)


    This function uses formula: X = (S - Sw)/(Ss - Sw), where Sw = wspSSWT, Ss = wspSSST. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  159. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspXSTH(t, h)


    This function uses formula: X = (H - Hw)/(Hs - Hw), where Hw = wspHSWT, Hs = wspHSST. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  160. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], specific isobaric heat capacity Cp [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspXSTCP(t, Cp)


    This function uses formula: X = (CP - CPw)/(CPs - CPw), where CPw = wspCPSWT, CPs = wspCPSST. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  161. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], specific isochoric heat capacity Cv [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspXSTCV(t, Cv)


    This function uses formula: X = (CV - CVDPw)/(CVDPs - CVDPw), where CVDPw = wspCVDPSWT, CVDPs = wspCVDPSST. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  162. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], sound velocity w [m/sec]:

    wspXSTW(t, w)


    From version 5.6 this function calculates value of sound velocity in double-phase region from isoentropic exponent that is conform to thermodynamic. Until version 5.6 this function used formula: X = (W - Ww)/(Ws - Ww), where Ww = wspWSWT, Ws = wspWSST which was not right. Now it is calculated correctly. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  163. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], Joule-Thomson coefficient jt [K/Pa]:



    This function uses formula: X = (JOULETHOMPSON - JOULETHOMPSONw)/(JOULETHOMPSONs - JOULETHOMPSONw), where JOULETHOMPSONw = wspJOULETHOMPSONSWT, JOULETHOMPSONs = wspJOULETHOMPSONSST. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  164. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], thermal conductivity coefficient tc [W/(m·K)]:

    wspXSTTHERMCOND(t, tc)


    This function uses formula: X = (TC - TCw)/(TCs - TCw), where TCw = wspTHERMCONDSWT, TCs = wspTHERMCONDSST. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  165. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], dynamic viscosity dv [Pa·sec]:

    wspXSTDYNVIS(t, dv)


    This function uses formula: X = (DV - DVw)/(DVs - DVw), where DVw = wspDYNVISSWT, DVs = wspDYNVISSST. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  166. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], kinematic viscosity kv [m2/sec]:

    wspXSTKINVIS(t, kv)


    This function uses formula: X = (KV - KVw)/(KVs - KVw), where KVw = wspKINVISSWT, KVs = wspKINVISSST. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  167. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], Prandtl number pr [-]:

    wspXSTPRANDTLE(t, pr)


    This function uses formula: X = (PR - PRw)/(PRs - PRw), where PRw = wspPRANDTLESWT, PRs = wspPRANDTLESST. The range of calculation is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  168. Vapor fraction [-] as function of temperature t [K], isoentropic exponent k [-]:

    wspXSTK(t, k)


    This function uses formula: X = (K - Kw)/(Ks - Kw), where Kw = wspKSWT, Ks = wspKSST. The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

  169. Properties calculation result in double-phase area as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTXSHS(h, s, *t, *x)


    Function calculates saturation temperature and vapor fraction on the base of thermodunamic formulas. Newton method is used to determine the root. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE). The range of validity is double-phase (water-vapor) area.

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (h, s) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  170. Category: Sublimation and Melting Lines

    Functions for calculation properties at sublimation and melting lines.

  171. Pressure at sublimation line [Pa] as function of temperature t [K]:



    Function is based on "Release on the Pressure along the Melting and the Sublimation Curves of Ordinary Water Substance" IAPWS (Milan, Italy, September 1993).

  172. Pressure at melting line of ice I [Pa] as function of temperature t [K]:



    Function is based on "Release on the Pressure along the Melting and the Sublimation Curves of Ordinary Water Substance" IAPWS (Milan, Italy, September 1993).

  173. Category: MetaStable

    Functions for calculation properties of meta-stable supercooled steam

  174. Specific volume of meta-stable supercooled steam [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  175. Specific internal energy of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspUMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  176. Specific entropy of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspSMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  177. Specific enthalpy of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspHMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  178. Specific isobaric heat capacity of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCPMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  179. Specific isochoric heat capacity of meta-stable supercooled steam [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCVMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  180. Sound velocity of meta-stable supercooled steam [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspWMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  181. Thermal conductivity coefficient of meta-stable supercooled steam [W/(m·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspTHERMCONDMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  182. Dynamic viscosity of meta-stable supercooled steam [Pa·sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspDYNVISMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  183. Prandtl number of meta-stable supercooled steam [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspPRANDTLEMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  184. Kinematic viscosity of meta-stable supercooled steam [m2/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspKINVISMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  185. Isoentropic exponent of meta-stable supercooled steam [-] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspKMSPT(p, t)


    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  186. Joule-Thomson coefficient of meta-stable supercooled steam [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:



    This function calculates the properties of super-cooled steam (in meta-stable region). The parameters range: pressure up to 10 MPa, vapor fraction above 95%. Special equation for meta-stable vapor region is used for calculation which is based upon IAPWS IF-97.

  187. Category: Source

    Functions from IAPWS IF-97 and other formulations.

  188. Pressure at line between areas 2 and 3 [Pa] as function of temperature t [K]:



    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Used in function wspWATERSTATEAREA when region of IF-97 is determined.

  189. Temperature at line between areas 2 and 3 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa]:



    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Used in function wspWATERSTATEAREA when region of IF-97 is determined.

  190. IF-97 region as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:



    Function is based upon the regions allocation in the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and used in functions.

  191. IF-97 region (version 2) as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspWATERSTATEAREA2(p, t)


    Function is based upon the regions allocation in the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam (version 2 - without region 4 - saturation line) and used in functions.

  192. Thermal conductivity coefficient [W/(m·K)] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspTHERMCONDRT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the Revised Release on the IAPS Formulation 1985 for the Thermal Conductivity of Ordinary Water Substance with correction for ITS-90 (International Temperature Scale). The range of validity is: temperature from 0.01 to 800°C for pressure up to 40 MPa, from 0.01 to 650°C for pressure from 40 to 70 MPa, from 0.01 to 500 °C for pressure from 70 to 100 MPa.

  193. Dynamic viscosity [Pa·sec] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspDYNVISRT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the Revised Release on the IAPS Formulation 1985 for the Viscosity of Ordinary Water Substance with correction for ITS-90 (International Temperature Scale). The range of validity is for pressure up to 500 MPa temperature is from 0 to 150°C, for pressure up to 350 MPa temperature is from 150 to 600°C, for pressure up to 300 MPa temperature is from 600 to 900°C.

  194. Specific volume in IF-97 region 1 [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspV1PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  195. Specific internal energy in IF-97 region 1 [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspU1PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  196. Specific entropy in IF-97 region 1 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspS1PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  197. Specific enthalpy in IF-97 region 1 [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspH1PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  198. Specific isobaric heat capacity in IF-97 region 1 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP1PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  199. Specific isochoric heat capacity in IF-97 region 1 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV1PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  200. Sound velocity in IF-97 region 1 [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspW1PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  201. Joule-Thomson coefficient in IF-97 region 1 [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:



    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The equation: JT = (T*dV/dT - V)/Cp is used, where T - temperature, dV/dT - differential quotient (dV/dT)p, V - volume, Cp - isobaric heat capacity (Cp).

  202. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 1 as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT1PT(p, t, *v, *u, *s, *h, *Cv, *w, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and returns the set of properties that speed up calculation considerably.

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (p, t) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  203. Specific volume in IF-97 region 2 [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspV2PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  204. Specific internal energy in IF-97 region 2 [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspU2PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  205. Specific entropy in IF-97 region 2 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspS2PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  206. Specific enthalpy in IF-97 region 2 [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspH2PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  207. Specific isobaric heat capacity in IF-97 region 2 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP2PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  208. Specific isochoric heat capacity in IF-97 region 2 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV2PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  209. Sound velocity in IF-97 region 2 [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspW2PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  210. Joule-Thomson coefficient in IF-97 region 2 [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:



    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The equation: JT = (T*dV/dT - V)/Cp is used, where T - temperature, dV/dT - differential quotient (dV/dT)p, V - volume, Cp - isobaric heat capacity (Cp).

  211. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 2 as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT2PT(p, t, *v, *u, *s, *h, *Cv, *w, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and returns the set of properties that speed up calculation considerably.

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (p, t) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  212. Pressure in IF-97 region 3 [Pa] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspP3RT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  213. Density in IF-97 region 3 [kg/m3] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K], initial density r0 [kg/m3]:

    wspR3PTR0(p, t, r0)


    Function used the Newton method with initial estimate for density to calculate the density. Used for unification of the functions in all IF-97 regions. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  214. Density in IF-97 region 3 [kg/m3] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspR3PT(p, t)


    Function calculates the density in region 3 by calling the function wspR3PTR0 with the corresponding initial estimate for density. Used for unification of the functions in all IF-97 regions. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  215. Specific internal energy in IF-97 region 3 [J/kg] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspU3RT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  216. Specific entropy in IF-97 region 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspS3RT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  217. Specific enthalpy in IF-97 region 3 [J/kg] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspH3RT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  218. Specific isobaric heat capacity in IF-97 region 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP3RT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  219. Specific isochoric heat capacity in IF-97 region 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV3RT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  220. Sound velocity in IF-97 region 3 [m/sec] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspW3RT(r, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  221. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 3 as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT3RT(r, t, *v, *u, *s, *h, *Cv, *w, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and returns the set of properties that speed up calculation considerably.

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (r, t) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  222. Specific volume in IF-97 region 3 [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspV3PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon function wspR3PT. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  223. Specific internal energy in IF-97 region 3 [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspU3PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon functions wspR3PT and wspU3RT. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  224. Specific entropy in IF-97 region 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspS3PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon functions wspR3PT and wspU3RT. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  225. Specific enthalpy in IF-97 region 3 [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspH3PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon functions wspR3PT and wspU3RT. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  226. Specific isobaric heat capacity in IF-97 region 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP3PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon functions wspR3PT and wspU3RT. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  227. Specific isochoric heat capacity in IF-97 region 3 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV3PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon functions wspR3PT and wspU3RT. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  228. Sound velocity in IF-97 region 3 [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspW3PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon functions wspR3PT and wspU3RT. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  229. Joule-Thomson coefficient in IF-97 region 3 [K/Pa] as function of density r [kg/m3], temperature t [K]:



    Function calculates the Joule-Thomson coefficient for region 3 of IF-97 Formulation.

  230. Joule-Thomson coefficient in IF-97 region 3 [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:



    Function calculates Joule-Thomson coefficient for region 3 of IF-97 Formulation. This function uses function wspR3PT(p, t) to calculate density and then returns the value from the function wspJOULETHOMPSON3RT(r, t). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  231. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 3 as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT3PT(p, t, *v, *u, *s, *h, *Cv, *w, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and returns the set of properties that speed up calculation considerably. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (p, t) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  232. Specific volume in IF-97 region 5 [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspV5PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  233. Specific internal energy in IF-97 region 5 [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspU5PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  234. Specific entropy in IF-97 region 5 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspS5PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  235. Specific enthalpy in IF-97 region 5 [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspH5PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  236. Specific isobaric heat capacity in IF-97 region 5 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCP5PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  237. Specific isochoric heat capacity in IF-97 region 5 [J/(kg·K)] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspCV5PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  238. Sound velocity in IF-97 region 5 [m/sec] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspW5PT(p, t)


    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  239. Joule-Thomson coefficient in IF-97 region 5 [K/Pa] as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:



    Function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The equation: JT = (T*dV/dT - V)/Cp is used, where T - temperature, dV/dT - differential quotient (dV/dT)p, V - volume, Cp - isobaric heat capacity (Cp).

  240. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 5 as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspVUSHCVWDERPT5PT(p, t, *v, *u, *s, *h, *Cv, *w, *DVDPt, *DUDPt, *DSDPt, *DHDPt, *DVDTp, *DUDTp, *DSDTp, *DHDTp)


    The function is based upon the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and returns the set of properties that speed up calculation considerably.

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (p, t) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  241. Temperature in IF-97 region 1 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT1PH(p, h)


    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  242. Temperature in IF-97 region 1 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT1PS(p, s)


    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  243. Pressure in IF-97 region 1 [Pa] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspP1HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2001). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  244. Temperature in IF-97 region 1 [K] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT1HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2001). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  245. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 1 as function of density r [kg/m3], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspPT1RH(r, h, *p, *t)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (r, h) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  246. Temperature in IF-97 region 2a [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT2APH(p, h)


    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  247. Temperature in IF-97 region 2a [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2APS(p, s)


    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  248. Temperature in IF-97 region 2b [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT2BPH(p, h)


    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  249. Temperature in IF-97 region 2b [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2BPS(p, s)


    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  250. Temperature in IF-97 region 2c [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT2CPH(p, h)


    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  251. Temperature in IF-97 region 2c [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2CPS(p, s)


    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  252. Temperature in IF-97 region 2 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT2PH(p, h)


    Function is based upon functions wspT2APH, wspT2BPH and wspT2CPH. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  253. Temperature in IF-97 region 2 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2PS(p, s)


    Function is based upon functions wspT2APS, wspT2BPS and wspT2CPS. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  254. Pressure in IF-97 region 2 [Pa] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspP2HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2001) and used the functions: wspP2AHS(h, s), wspP2BHS(h, s) and wspP2CHS(h, s). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  255. Temperature in IF-97 region 2 [K] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT2HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon the "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for Pressure as a Function of Enthalpy and Entropy p(h,s) to the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2001). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  256. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 2 as function of density r [kg/m3], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspPT2RH(r, h, *p, *t)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (r, h) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  257. Temperature in IF-97 region 3 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT3PH(p, h)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  258. Temperature in IF-97 region 3 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT3PS(p, s)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  259. Pressure in IF-97 region 3 [Pa] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspP3HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for p(h, s) for Region 3, Equations as a Function of h and s for the Region Boundaries, and a Equation Tsat(h, s) for Wet Steam of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2004). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  260. Temperature in IF-97 region 3 [K] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT3HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for p(h, s) for Region 3, Equations as a Function of h and s for the Region Boundaries, and a Equation Tsat(h, s) for Wet Steam of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2004). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  261. Specific volume in IF-97 region 3 [m3/kg] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspV3HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for p(h, s) for Region 3, Equations as a Function of h and s for the Region Boundaries, and a Equation Tsat(h, s) for Wet Steam of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2004). Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  262. Specific volume in IF-97 region 3 [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspV3PH(p, h)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  263. Specific volume in IF-97 region 3 [m3/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspV3PS(p, s)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  264. Temperature in IF-97 region 3 [K] as function of density r [kg/m3], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT3RH(r, h)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  265. Temperature in IF-97 region 5 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspT5PH(p, h)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  266. Temperature in IF-97 region 5 [K] as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT5PS(p, s)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. It uses the Newton method to determine the roots of the function with two arguments. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  267. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 5 as function of density r [kg/m3], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspPT5RH(r, h, *p, *t)


    Function is based upon IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. The function uses the Newton method to determine the roots. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (r, h) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  268. Pressure at line between areas 2b and 2c [Pa] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:



    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  269. Specific enthalpy at line between areas 2b and 2c [J/kg] as function of pressure p [Pa]:



    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.

  270. IF-97 region as function of pressure p [Pa], specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:



    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and used in functions to determine the IF-97 region.

  271. IF-97 region as function of pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:



    Function is based upon additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and used in functions to determine the IF-97 region.

  272. Area of phase state as function of pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspPHASESTATEPT(p, t)


    Function returns code of phase state in point with given p, t. If pressure p or temperature t are above critical (Prk or Tkr), the result is "3" (phase state - supercritical). If the point is situated above the saturation line (in P-T diagramm) the result is "1" (phase state - liquid). If the point is situated below the saturation line (in P-T diagram) the result is "2" (phase state - steam). If point is situated below triple point, the return is error value ("-1").

  273. IF-97 region as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:



    Function is based upon allocation of additional equations of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam and used in functions to determine the IF-97 region.

  274. Temperature at boundary line between areas 2 and 3 [K] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspTB23HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for p(h, s) for Region 3, Equations as a Function of h and s for the Region Boundaries, and a Equation Tsat(h, s) for Wet Steam of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2004).

  275. Pressure at boundary line between areas 2 and 3 [Pa] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPB23HS(h, s)


    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for p(h, s) for Region 3, Equations as a Function of h and s for the Region Boundaries, and a Equation Tsat(h, s) for Wet Steam of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2004).

  276. Specific enthalpy at boundary line between areas 1 and 3 [J/kg] as function of specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:



    Function is based upon "Supplementary Release on Backward Equations for p(h, s) for Region 3, Equations as a Function of h and s for the Region Boundaries, and a Equation Tsat(h, s) for Wet Steam of the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (September 2004).

  277. Pressure in IF-97 region 5 [Pa] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspP5HS(h, s)


    Function is used to find the pressure in region 5 by Newton method. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  278. Temperature in IF-97 region 5 [K] as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspT5HS(h, s)


    Function is used to find the temperature in region 5 by Newton method. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

  279. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 1 as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPT1HS(h, s, *p, *t)


    Function is used to find parameters in region 1 by Newton method. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (h, s) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  280. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 2 as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPT2HS(h, s, *p, *t)


    Function is used to find parameters in region 2 by Newton method. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (h, s) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  281. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 3 as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspRT3HS(h, s, *r, *t)


    Function is used to find parameters in region 3 by Newton method. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (h, s) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  282. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 3 as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPT3HS(h, s, *p, *t)


    Function is based on function wspRT3HS. After calling wspRT3HS the standard equations are used to determine the pressure. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (h, s) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  283. Properties calculation result in IF-97 region 5 as function of specific enthalpy h [J/kg], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspPT5HS(h, s, *p, *t)


    Function is used to find parameters in region 5 by Newton method. Since at some stages the function use iterations, to speed up calculations you may disable precision mode (functions wspGETTOLERANCEMODE and wspSETTOLERANCEMODE) or vary relative precision for internal iterations (functions wspGETTOLERANCE and wspSETTOLERANCE).

    Note: In Mathcad the function have only parameters (h, s) and return an array containing output (return) parameters in SI units system.

  284. Category: Gases

    Functions for calculation properties of gases and gases mixtures.

  285. Specific isobaric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas identificator id, temperature t [K]:

    wspgCPIDT(id, t)


    Function calculates specific isobaric heat capacity for the gas in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  286. Specific isobaric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas specification gas_specification, temperature t [K]:

    wspgCPGST(gas_specification, t)


    Function calculates specific isobaric heat capacity for the given gas specification in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  287. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of gas identificator id, temperature t [K]:

    wspgHIDT(id, t)


    Function calculates specific enthalpy for the gas in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  288. Specific enthalpy [J/kg] as function of gas specification gas_specification, temperature t [K]:

    wspgHGST(gas_specification, t)


    Function calculates specific enthalpy for the given gas specification in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  289. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas identificator id, temperature t [K]:

    wspgSIDT(id, t)


    Function calculates specific entropy for the gas in ideal state at pressure 100 kPa. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  290. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas specification gas_specification, temperature t [K]:

    wspgSGST(gas_specification, t)


    Function calculates specific entropy for the given gas specification in ideal state at pressure 100 kPa. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  291. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas identificator id, pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspgSIDPT(id, p, t)


    Function calculates specific entropy for the gas in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  292. Specific entropy [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas specification gas_specification, pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspgSGSPT(gas_specification, p, t)


    Function calculates specific entropy for the given gas specification in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  293. Specific isochoric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas identificator id, temperature t [K]:

    wspgCVIDT(id, t)


    Function calculates specific isochoric heat capacity for the gas in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  294. Specific isochoric heat capacity [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas specification gas_specification, temperature t [K]:

    wspgCVGST(gas_specification, t)


    Function calculates specific isochoric heat capacity for the given gas specification in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  295. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of gas identificator id, temperature t [K]:

    wspgUIDT(id, t)


    Function calculates specific internal energy for the gas in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  296. Specific internal energy [J/kg] as function of gas specification gas_specification, temperature t [K]:

    wspgUGST(gas_specification, t)


    Function calculates specific internal energy for the given gas specification in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  297. Molar mass [kg/mole] as function of gas identificator id:



  298. Molar mass [kg/mole] as function of gas specification gas_specification:



  299. Specific gas constant [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas identificator id:



  300. Specific gas constant [J/(kg·K)] as function of gas specification gas_specification:



  301. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of gas identificator id, temperature t [K]:

    wspgVIDT(id, t)


    Function calculates specific volume for the gas in ideal state at pressure 100 kPa. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  302. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of gas specification gas_specification, temperature t [K]:

    wspgVGST(gas_specification, t)


    Function calculates specific volume for the given gas specification in ideal state at pressure 100 kPa. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  303. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of gas identificator id, pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspgVIDPT(id, p, t)


    Function calculates specific volume for the gas in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  304. Specific volume [m3/kg] as function of gas specification gas_specification, pressure p [Pa], temperature t [K]:

    wspgVGSPT(gas_specification, p, t)


    Function calculates specific volume for the given gas specification in ideal state. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  305. Temperature [K] as function of gas identificator id, specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspgTIDH(id, h)


    Function calculates temperature for the gas in ideal state at given specific enthalpy. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  306. Temperature [K] as function of gas specification gas_specification, specific enthalpy h [J/kg]:

    wspgTGSH(gas_specification, h)


    Function calculates temperature for the gas specification in ideal state at given specific enthalpy. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  307. Temperature [K] as function of gas identificator id, specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspgTIDS(id, s)


    Function calculates temperature for the gas in ideal state at given specific entropy and pressure P0 = 100 kPa. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  308. Temperature [K] as function of gas specification gas_specification, specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspgTGSS(gas_specification, s)


    Function calculates temperature for the gas specification in ideal state at given specific entropy and pressure P0 = 100 kPa. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  309. Temperature [K] as function of gas identificator id, pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspgTIDPS(id, p, s)


    Function calculates temperature for the gas in ideal state at given specific entropy and pressure. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  310. Temperature [K] as function of gas specification gas_specification, pressure p [Pa], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspgTGSPS(gas_specification, p, s)


    Function calculates temperature for the gas specification in ideal state at given specific entropy and pressure. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  311. Pressure [Pa] as function of gas identificator id, temperature t [K], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspgPIDTS(id, t, s)


    Function calculates pressure for the gas in ideal state at given specific entropy and temperature. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  312. Pressure [Pa] as function of gas specification gas_specification, temperature t [K], specific entropy s [J/(kg·K)]:

    wspgPGSTS(gas_specification, t, s)


    Function calculates pressure for the gas specification in ideal state at given specific entropy and temperature. The range of validity is temperatures from 200K to 2500K.

  313. Volume fraction of gas as function of primary gas specification gas_spec_looked, gas specification looked for gas_spec_looked_for:

    wspgVFGSGS(gas_spec_looked, gas_spec_looked_for)


    Function calculates specific volume fraction of gas (given by gas specification in gas_spec_looked_for) in gas (given by gas specification in gas_spec_looked).

  314. Mass fraction of gas as function of primary gas specification gas_spec_looked, gas specification looked for gas_spec_looked_for:

    wspgMFGSGS(gas_spec_looked, gas_spec_looked_for)


    Function calculates specific mass fraction of gas (given by gas specification in gas_spec_looked_for) in gas (given by gas specification in gas_spec_looked).

  315. Volume fraction of gas as function of primary gas identificator id_looked, gas identificator looked for id_looked_for:

    wspgVFIDID(id_looked, id_looked_for)


    Function calculates specific volume fraction of gas (given by gas identificator in id_looked_for) in gas (given by gas identificator in id_looked).

  316. Mass fraction of gas as function of primary gas identificator id_looked, gas identificator looked for id_looked_for:

    wspgMFIDID(id_looked, id_looked_for)


    Function calculates specific mass fraction of gas (given by gas identificator in id_looked_for) in gas (given by gas identificator in id_looked).

  317. Gas identificator as function of existing gas name name:



    Function return the identificator of early defined gas (or built-in). If there is no gas with this name the error (with code WSP_E_BAD_PARAMS) is generated.

  318. New gas identificator:



    Function define new gas and return of identificator of new gas. The memory for this gas must be freed when work with this gas is finished by calling the function wspgDELETEGASID or wspgDELETEGASES. Otherwise the memory will be freed only when calling program is finished.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  319. Gas identificator as function of new gas name name:



    Function define new gas and return identificator of this gas. If there is gas with this same name the error (with code WSP_E_BAD_PARAMS) is generated. The memory for this gas must be freed when work with this gas is finished by calling the function wspgDELETEGASID or wspgDELETEGASES. Otherwise the memory will be freed only when calling program is finished.

  320. New gas identificator as function of gas specification gas_specification:



    Function define new gas and return of identificator of new gas which is fit with given specification. The memory for this gas must be freed when work with this gas is finished by calling the function wspgDELETEGASID or wspgDELETEGASES. Otherwise the memory will be freed only when calling program is finished.

  321. Deleting of early created gas as function of gas identificator id:



    Function removes gas with given identificator. Also the memory for this gas is freed.

  322. Deleting of all user-defined gases:



    Function removes all user-defined gases. Also the memory for these gases is freed. After call to this function only built-in gases are available.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  323. Available gases count:



    Function return count of all gases: built-in and user-defined.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  324. Addition of one gas to another as function of identificator of target gas id_target, identificator of added gas id_source, added gas mass mass:

    wspgADDGASM(id_target, id_source, mass)


    Function adds the specified mass of one gas (given by it's identificator id_source) to another gases compound (given by gas identificator id_target).

  325. Addition of one gas to another as function of identificator of target gas id_target, identificator of added gas id_source, added gas volume volume:

    wspgADDGASV(id_target, id_source, volume)


    Function adds the specified volume (or moles count) of one gas (given by it's identificator id_source) to another gases compound (given by gas identificator id_target).

  326. Category: System

    System functions.

  327. Set and return relative precision in the WaterSteamPro functions [-] as function of tolerance tolerance [-]:



    The value of tolerance is used in functions which require the relative precision (usually when the iterations used).

  328. Relative precision in the WaterSteamPro functions [-]:



    Return the current value of tolerance. It is used in functions which require the relative precision.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  329. Set and return a mode of management of make function results more precise as function of mode mode:



    Function adjust the mode of functions result improvement. It is used when result of a function can be improved (functions with arguments (p, h), (p, s) and so on). Usually iterations used to do it. If an argument equals to zero improvement is disabled and calculation speeds up while the tolerance decreases.

  330. Mode of management of make function results more precise:



    Function return the current mode of functions result improvement. It is used when result of a function can be improved (function with arguments p, h and p, s). If result equals to zero improvement is disabled. Otherwise enabled. See also function wspSETTOLERANCEMODE.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  331. Set and return a mode of checking the range of functions arguments as function of mode mode:



    Function adjust the mode of checking for input parameters range. It is used in functions before calculating. If argument mode equals to zero the checking is disabled and the calculation speeds up but errors may occur.

  332. Mode of checking the range of functions arguments:



    Function returns zero if the checking is disabled.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  333. Set and return a mode of calculating dissociation while calculate gases mixtures as function of mode mode:



    Function is used in functions for gas mixture properties. If mode equals to 0 dissociation is not calculated. If mode equals to 1 dissociation is calculated always. If mode equals to 2 dissociation is calculated only for temperatures above 1200 K.

  334. Mode of calculating dissociation while calculate gases mixtures:



    Function is used in functions for gas mixture properties. If mode equals to 0 dissociation is not calculated. If mode equals to 1 dissociation is calculated always. If mode equals to 2 dissociation is calculated only for temperatures above 1200 K.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  335. Set and return a last error code as function of error code ErrCode:



    This function can be used to estimate error number: all error codes are enumerated starting from zero (no error) and increase subsequently with step 1. If a parameter overruns the function returns (and sets) zero - that means no error.

  336. Last error code:



    Function returns last error occurred in any functions except the system functions. Any function call (except those systems) set the error code to zero (no error).

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  337. Last error description:



    Function returns last error description occurred in the function except those systems. The result of function is defined in library OKAWSP6.DLL as LPCSTR (ANSI-symbols), but in ActiveX-object WSP.WSPCalculator - as BSTR (Unicode). You must use the ActiveX-version of function in Visual Basic. If you use non Active-X component you do not have to care about freeing memory because this function uses the static buffer to return values.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  338. Last error description:



    Function returns last error description occurred in any function call except those systems.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  339. Process registration of the WaterSteamPro as function of registration name name, registration key key:

    wspLOCALREGISTRATION(name, key)


    Function was used in "Developer" license of WaterSteamPro. This function is obsolete.

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  340. Process registration of the WaterSteamPro as function of registration name name, registration data data:



    Function is used in "Developer" license of WaterSteamPro. For more information see WaterSteamPro SDK.

  341. Process registration of the WaterSteamPro as function of registration name name, registration data data:



    Function is used in "Developer" license of WaterSteamPro. For more information see WaterSteamPro SDK.

  342. Set and return maximum difference between saturation temperature and input temperature for function wspWATERSTATEAREA [K] as function of temperature delta delta [K]:



    Function is obsolete and is not used from version 6.0!

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  343. Maximum difference between saturation temperature and input temperature for function wspWATERSTATEAREA [K]:



    Function is obsolete and not used from version 6.0!

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  344. Set and return maximum iteration's count for Newton method as function of maximum iteration maxiteration:



    If a function uses the Newton method this number is needed. If number of iterations more than this value the error WSP_CANT_FIND_ROOT (3) occurs.

  345. Maximum iteration's count for Newton method:



    This number is used for the Newton method. If number of iterations is more than that value the error WSP_CANT_FIND_ROOT (3) occurs.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  346. Set and return maximum difference between pressure values at estimation of the area 3 parameters [Pa] as function of delta pressure delta [Pa]:



    Function is obsolete. From version 6.0 it is not used!

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  347. Maximum difference between pressure values at estimation of the area 3 parameters [Pa]:



    Function is obsolete. From version 6.0 it is not used!

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  348. Set and return initial value for density of water in IF-97 region 3 [kg/m3] as function of density r [kg/m3]:



    Function is obsolete. From version 6.0 it is not used!

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  349. Initial value for density of water in IF-97 region 3 [kg/m3]:



    Function is obsolete. From version 6.0 it is not used!

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  350. Set and return the initial value for density of steam in IF-97 region 3 [kg/m3] as function of density r [kg/m3]:



    Function is obsolete. From version 6.0 it is not used!

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  351. Initial value for density of steam in IF-97 region 3 [kg/m3]:



    Function is obsolete. From version 6.0 it is not used!

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

    Note: This function is obsolete and it is recommended don't use it.

  352. Internal version of the WaterSteamPro:



    The format of version is x.yzzz where x - major version, y - minor version, zzz - revision.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.

  353. Absolute gas constant [J/(mole·K)]:



    Function returns value of absolute gas constant used in gases equations of WaterSteamPro.

    Note: In Mathcad function have one parameter which value is not used.