Two modes of using WaterSteamPro functions in Mathcad

In Mathcad, a complete set of units is available as built-in variables. This allows you to treat dimensional quantities more powerful.

The following conditions of using WaterSteamPro package in Mathcad are possible:

The first mode is enabled at a Mathcad startup (the library WSPMCAD.DLL should be kept in the folder USEREFI and it should be already loaded). In this case, the user have to see so that dimensions of all the arguments of WaterSteamPro are in the SI system.

To operate the program in the second mode (dimensional mode) the file named "WATERSTEAMPRO.MCD" should be inserted into a worksheet through the item "Reference." of the "Insert" menu. This file redefines functions permitting them to operate with dimensions.

Fig. 8 illustrates the difference between the foregoing modes.

Fig. 8. WaterSteamPro modes in Mathcad

The second mode is recommended. All Mathcad examples of the "WaterSteamPro" delivery set operate with dimensions.

Attention: it is not recommended to insert more than one (Reference) file "" into a worksheet. Otherwise, dimension problems will occur - the program will operate with dimensions to the power equal to a number of insertions.