Information about WSP 6.5 installation

1. Changes in this release

2. What's new in WSP 6.5

3. For Mathcad 12 and above versions users

Changes in this release

Version from 2010 June 25:

  1. Some changes in installator to support Mathcad 14/15 with User Interface (UI) languages different from English.

Version from 2010 April 19:

  1. Text fixes in "WSP Excel Calculator" (translate Russian language to English).

Version from 2010 April 5:

  1. Fix in Excel add-in namings to solve the installation problem in Office 2010 64-bit.

Version from 2010 April 2:

  1. Changes in WSP Updater to process UAC settings in Windows Vista/7.
  2. Some fixes in main library to more accurate processing of not right license files.

Version from 2010 March 29:

  1. It's primary English release.

What's new in WSP 6.5

  1. Increased area of functions for calculating properties of water/steam up to 50 MPa for temperatures from 800°C to 2000°C (early up to 10 MPa). This changes based on new equations from IAPWS -
  2. Added functions for calculating (d density / d pressure)enthalpy=const of water/steam in single phase and double phase areas.
  3. Added functions for calculating (d density / d enthalpy)pressure=const of water/steam in single phase and double phase areas.
  4. Added functions for calculating density of water/steam based on IF-97.
  5. Added functions for calculating static dielectric constant of water/steam.
  6. Added functions for calculating ionization constant of water.
  7. Added functions for calculating refractive index of water.
  8. Added function for calculating properties set (including derivatives) in meta-stable region.
  9. Viscosity and based on viscosity properties are calculated with new equation from IAPWS (IAPWS -
  10. Changed the work of "non-physical" functions (as example wspCPSTX(t, x) - specific heat capacity at constant pressure). Now these functions and functions which depends on thems (as example, wspCPPH(p, h) - specific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and specific enthalpy) works only when checking for input parameters range is disabled (see functions wspSETCHECKRANGEMODE(mode) and wspGETCHECKRANGEMODE()).
  11. Big changes to module with input parameters range checking. Now there are more matches between different input parameters sets: (p, h), (p, t), (p, s), (h, s).
  12. Changes in some components of WSP to allow to proper work in Microsoft Windows Vista/7.
  13. Now WSP fully support 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows (from Windows 98 to Windows 7 and above).
  14. Add-in for Microsoft Excel now works in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Excel (from Microsoft Office 97 to Microsoft Office 2010 and above).
  15. Now available a set of files for using WSP in MATLAB (32-bit and 64-bit versions). This files are not included in WSP installation packages and available for downloading from Internet-site of WSP:
  16. Now available a set of files for using WSP in Scilab (32-bit and 64-bit versions). This files are not included in WSP installation packages and available for downloading from Internet-site of WSP:
  17. In installation package added Microsoft Excel worksheet "WSP Excel Calculator". This worksheet allow to easy and powerfull calculations of properties of water/steam in Excel.
  18. Now in Microsoft Excel are working functions, which return a set of values. A set of values are return as array. Additional information given in documentation. Sample of usage see in new worksheet for Excel - "WSP Excel Calculator".
  19. Changed a problem for function documentation in "Insert Function" dialog in Mathcad from version 12 and above.
  20. Changes in Active-X object. Now settings are different for different Active-X objects.
  21. Added support for 64-bit Active-X object.
  22. Previous change allow to create Internet-resource, which allow to test WSP functions online.
  23. Changes in function for determining the IF-97 region for water/steam: now calculation goes down to melting line (early calculations go down to 273.15 K).
  24. In "Insert Function" dialog in Mathcad added information of usage of unit-based WSP functions.
  25. Added unit "kPa" to program "WSP Calculator".
  26. Solved the bug in Setup Wizard which allow to not right selection of path for WSP documents for Mathcad in case of target path is not exist.
  27. Changes in Setup Wizard.
  28. Changes in documentation.
  29. Changes in license files.
  30. This is the latest version of the WSP which works in Windows 9x/Me. Next versions of the WSP will support only Windows XP and above.

For Mathcad 12 and above versions users

WSP 6.0 and 6.5 is fully compatible with Mathcad 12 and above versions. Additional information on Mathcad 12 and above versions support given in documentation in chapter "Possible ways of the WSP usage/Using WSP in Mathcad/Notes for Mathcad 12 and above versions users".