WSP(R) Sample
Expansion process calculation
In this file you find the example of usage functions for calculating properties of water and steam for calculating process of steam expansion in turbine.
About WSP
WSP is a certified program for calculating properties of water and steam.
Additional information about WSP given in it's documentation.
New versions and online documentation available in the www-site of the WSP:
Import units definitions and WSP dimensions functions
Source data
Find the parameters of steam at the end of expansion process in turbine from parameters: pressure p0 and temperature t0 to pressure p1 with internal relative efficiency of process hoi.
Solution #1 (with functions of the WSP available in demo-version)
1. Parameters in initial point
2. Find a temperature at the end of adiabatic process (without energy loss)
For finding the temperature will use the Mathcad solver block: Given ... Find.
The source equation for the Given ... Find block will be the fact that the specific entropy at the start of process equal the specific entropy at the end of process.
The initial value for the Given ... Find block:
3. Parameters at the end of adiabatic process (without energy loss)
4. Specific enthalpy at the end of real processes (with energy loss)
Find a value from the definition of the internal relative efficiency of process:
5. Find a temperature at the end of real process (with energy loss)
For finding the temperature will use the Mathcad solver block: Given ... Find. We know the values of pressure and specific enthalpy at the end process.
The initial value for the Given ... Find block:
6. Parameters at the end of process
7. Create the graph of process in the h-s diagramm
Solution #2 (with the functions for calculating processes of expansion/compression)
1. Parameters in initial point
2. Parameters at the end of real process (with energy loss)
For determining of the parameters will use the functions of the WSP for calculating processes of expansion/compression.
These functions require a value of internal relative efficience.
3. Create the graph of process in the h-s diagramm
Comparison of the results
1. Temperature
2. Specific enthalpy
3. Specific entropy