WSP(R) Sample
Graphics of properties of water and steam
In this file you may found the example of usage functions for calculating properties of water and steam for plotting some graphics (2D and 3D).
About WSP
WSP is a certified program for calculating properties of water and steam.
Additional information about WSP given in it's documentation.
New versions and online documentation available in the www-site of the WSP:
Import units definitions and WSP dimensions functions
Graphics of properties at saturation line
Minimum temperature at saturation line (triple point):
Maximum temperature at saturation line (critical point):
Count of calculated points:
Step of increasing of a temperature:
Range of the temperature:
Pressure at saturation line
Specific volume at saturation line
Specific internal energy at saturation line
Specific enthalpy at saturation line
Specific entropy at saturation line
h-s diagramm
Specific heat capacity at constant pressure at saturation line
Specific heat capacity at constant volume at saturation line
Sound velocity at saturation line
Surface tension
Kinematic viscosity at saturation line
Dynamic viscosity at saturation line
Prandtl number at saturation line
Isoentropic exponent at saturation line
Specific evaporation heat
Joule-Thompson coefficient
3D graphics
parameters in plotting points
Minimum pressure (triple point):
Maximum pressure:
Count of calculated points for the pressure:
Step of the modification of the pressure:
Range of the pressure:
Minimum temperature (triple point):
Maximum temperature:
Count of calculated points for the temperature:
Step of the modification of the temperature:
Range of the temperature:
Specific internal energy
Specific enthalpy
Specific entropy
Specific heat capacity at constant pressure
Specific heat capacity at constant volume
Sound velocity
Thermal conductivity
Disable checking range:
Dynamic viscosity
Kinematic viscosity
Isoentropic exponent
Joule-Thompson coefficient