WSP(R) Sample
Ionic product constant of water
In this file you may found the example of usage functions for calculating properties of water and steam for calculate ionic product constant of water.
About WSP
WSP is a certified program for calculating properties of water and steam.
Additional information about WSP given in it's documentation.
New versions and online documentation available in the www-site of the WSP:
Import units definitions and WSP dimensions functions
Properties of water in critical point
Ionic product constant of water
Kw – ionic product constant of water. The constant at a stationary value to temperature is peer to product of concentrations of hydrogenous and hydroxyl ions any aqueous solutions. The modification Kw happens as a result of variation of a temperature and a density of water.
Logarithm of ten of ionic product constant of water at temperature:
Ionic product constant of water:
Plot the graphics for range: