Calculate properties of moist air
In this file you find the example of usage functions for calculating properties gases and it's mixtures to calculate properties of moist air.
About WSP
WSP is a certified program for calculating properties of water and steam.
Additional information about WSP given in it's documentation.
New versions and online documentation available in the www-site of the WSP:
Import units definitions and WSP dimensions functions
Source data
Air temperature:
Air pressure:
Air humidity:
Calculate properties of dry air
1. Use next dry air components:
2. Let's create gas - mix of above mentioned components
add volumes of gases to gas (with molar specific mass):
3. Get molar mass of dry air:
4. Calculate caloric properties of dry air
Calculate properties of moist air
1. Maximum pressure of steam at air temperature
At temperatures below triple point it's calculated on sublimation curve, above triple - on saturation curve.
2. Mass humidity of air
Calculate as ideal gas:
3. Create moist air gas
Create mixture from fact that dair kg of steam are given in 1 kg of dry air. So use mass functions:
4. Molar mass of wet air:
5. Calculate caloric properties of wet air:
6. Volume (molar) oxygen part in wet air:
7. Mass oxygen part in wet air:
8. Remove unused gas
Plot the graphs
Help function for calculate volume part of oxygen in wet air. Algorithm is described above.
Remove all gases created in this document