View on discipline "Computer science" In the form of the comments to 10 theses

Other articles of V/Ochkov – (in Russian) (in English)

V. Ochkov


The thesis 1. The discipline "«Computer science" has no any attitude(relation) to computers. 2

The thesis 2. On employment(occupations) on computer science of the students learn(teach) not that is necessary for the future expert, and teacher studied to in what of years 20 back. 2

The thesis 3. By and large choice of this or that software can not especially influence the contents in any way and technique of teaching of computer science  3

The thesis 4. The teaching of computer Science can be constructed on the basis of tasks of parallel disciplines  3

The thesis 5. There is no such other discipline, the contents and technique of which teaching we can / are compelled to change, almost each year  3

The thesis 6. The discipline Computer science, alongside with base disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry etc.) penetrates all disciplines of all rates – from first up to last 3

The thesis 7. The algorithmic thinking becomes certain atavism, interfering to development of modern information technologies  3

The thesis 8. There is no such other base discipline, the contents and technique of which teaching so would be influenced so by(with) laboratory base  4

The thesis 9. In development of means of the decision on the computer of nonproduction tasks it is possible to allocate three stages  4

The thesis 10. Pleasure from study. 4

Some comments received on e-mail: 4

The additional theses O.Kolesov – dean of faculty of Automatics and computer facilities MPEI. 4


The letter which has served with a push to a spelling of the article

Hi, Valery Fedorovich!

Writes to you yours the colleague – teacher of computer science – from < >. I am familiar with you without seeing – due to the book « Mathcad 7 Pro for the students and engineers », which I 3 years back (being by the post-graduate student) have bought and has read. Then the necessity for use Mathcad as has not arisen. And spring of this year the book very much has helped, when it was necessary message employment(occupation) on Mathcad.

You the teacher and the popular writer of computer science with the long-term experience, imposes me your manner of a statement of a material, in which always

Is present < >, and I have decided(solved) to address behind advice(council) to you.

Our faculty of Engineering Cybernetics conducts a rate of computer science at all institute. Now has ripened necessity of his(its) change connected with

By that the significant part of a rate is based on programming on Turbo BASIC, and it in any way does not answer modern development

Information technologies.

I want to accept active participation in this process. Where me go in this business with my experience 2 years, can you tell. But as it seems,

The man with a fresh sight on a thing (both on educational process, and on the current condition IT) and working by the programmer, superfluous in any way

Will be.

And that does not suffice to me (and, I think, my colleagues) – understanding that is necessary to know and to be able to the modern engineer (Here, truth,

There is a large question – and how many graduates will work on a speciality, will go to work on a factory in mine or on Nuclear Power Station in your case? Also can, better learn to their volume, what it is useful in real life more?).

Therefore it would be desirable to learn(find out) your vision of teaching of computer science in technical HIGH SCHOOL. What is necessary is to given by(with) a theoretical material, what

Tasks to learn(teach) to decide(solve) and, main, on what program base?

The question « on what » is basic therefore, it(he) is decided(solved) for a long time, as as against rest to change the made choice rather not simply – it is necessary to change the manuals (and it, clearly, at a considerable pric).

As far as I have understood (having seen(overlooked) your site, on which the educational plans) are accessible, you unequivocally have made a choice for the benefit of Mathcad. (By the way, for a site

Separate thank: you have laid out on it(him) all books and articles for general access. All so did(made).) could not you briefly state

The basic arguments for the benefit of such choice to the detriment of the traditional programming languages? And how here to be with the requirement of skill

To program for all engineering specialities?

Probably, it will be interesting to you to learn(find out), that is our rate of computer science, and my reasons on his(its) change,

Prepared in the summer (attached file – plain text – to not be afraid of viruses).

At the given moment the educational plan looks as follows:

1 semester – 2 hr. of lectures and 2÷. of practical employment(occupations)

Programming on Turbo BASIC. 5 laboratory works focused on mastering by receptions of programming (cycles, conditional operators, files, subroutine, work with files).

2 semester – 3 hr. (week 2, week 4) practical employment(occupations).

Programming on Turbo BASIC – numerical methods (construction of the diagrams, presence(finding) of roots, interpolation, integration, decision of systems of the linear equations), Basis of work with Mathcad, Word, Excel, Access.

As to offers, which are in file, that, perhaps, I a little(a little bit, some) has departed from categorical failure(refusal) from programming under DOS. Probably, under influence that among the colleagues the opinion on necessity of transition on Pascal is most distributed. However, in this case, for the reasons, about which you, by the way, too mentioned in one of auricles (about Mathcad MM), I consider(count) necessary a choice of language C (besides C is a basis of set of languages, new the Internet – guided,). If it is good to think over, it is possible to state it(him) practically not more difficultly, than Pascal.

Other possible(probable) variant is stated in a file (i.e. programming on VBA, Mathcad). I think, that at him(it) the professor is less chances, as

< > (you, probably, saw the books, written to them,), responsible(crucial) for the program of a rate, is the rigid supporter of presence in a rate of programming on an algorithmic language.

That is more correct, I already itself do not know.

Excuse for the so long letter.

Very much to you I shall be grateful for any reasons on the questions, mentioned by me.

Yours faithfully, Novel < >.

The thesis 1. The discipline "«Computer science" has no any attitude(relation) to computers

More correctly, has the same attitude(relation), as well as any other "«technical" discipline – mathematics, physics, chemistry. The computer science is a science about methods of processing of the information. The information the mankind processes from sources of a civilization more – less successfully. Computers (as, 500 years back, and book printing) have given this process of processing unprecedented earlier acceleration, as a matter of fact, not changing his(its) essence. In precomputer era "Computer science" as though «was "smeared" on other educational disciplines. Now all this try to collect in an educational rate, which have denominated "«Computer science". On idea this rate should refer to as Computer Science, but it is the term (computer science) at us has not got accustomed owing to, as it is possible to assume, pride, the claims on a certain universality (compare – mathematical science). But, faster, that an educational rate "«Computer science" is usually filled with the contents, which should have another, quite certain(quite determined), name: "«Programming", « Numerical methods », « Operational systems », « Office appendices », « Work with Internet » etc. But is usual "«Computer science" is « Bases of computer knowledge ». The students learn(teach) to that they already for a long time should know (to master in high school), but do not know for the different reasons – unsufficient number of computers (and at school, and house), is not present the teachers in this subject etc. Another ("«related") example of a divergence of the name of educational discipline and its(her) fillings. In many high schools after rate "«Computer science" goes rate other "«fashionable" name Mathematical modeling, which, as a rule, is reduced to … to study of numerical methods – decision of the equations and systems (algebraic and differential, interpolation, regression the analysis etc. etc. Here frequently « a cart put ahead of the horse » – at first study programming, and then, algorithms, which with the help of programming it is necessary to code.

The thesis 2. On employment(occupations) on computer science of the students learn(teach) not that is necessary for the future expert, and teacher studied to in what of years 20 back

This thesis could be begun by words « very much frequently », "«as a rule", "«sometimes" etc. It is possible also to argue and volume, the fault is of the teachers or trouble. Let's talk at first about "«trouble". Now level of payment of the teachers is those, that they should be thanked only that they continue to enter in an audience and messages of employment(occupation) at a rather high methodical level let and on obsolete software. Cardinal change the contents of a rate of a hand do not reach. On it the time is necessary, and it leaves on … hack-work (we hope, on high-intelligence on paid groups, and then already to transfer on basic (money from State) weight of the students. Another ("more «slippery") way – paid advices for "the «free-of-charge" students on themes born for frameworks of the educational programs, or for the poor students. "slipperiness" of this way that the border between the advanced and poor students very much frequently will be carried out(spent) by(with) teacher and rather arbitrary. To the financial party it is possible to attribute(relate) and question on the edition of the new textbooks and grants(manuals) supporting a new rate. But here problem can be decided(solved) through the edition of such grants(manuals) in "a «virtual" kind and publication them in a network Internet or Intranet (high school Internet) – example By the way, the formation of such grants(manuals) and educational plans is direct at lecture – good practical employment(occupation) on a theme « Creation personal pages in Internet ». Working with such “virtual” technique, carrying out laboratory work on computer science, will be switched continuously between investigated program environment and, for example, Internet Explorer. Another « financial aspect ». The new software needs, as a rule, to be bought, and old frequently lay on free-of-charge access in Internet. If to speak about "«fault" of the teachers, then it is possible to recollect times, when on assistant professor, for example, salary it was possible to live and not bad to live, but, nevertheless, contents "of «computer" rates did not vary by decades.

In orientation to out-of-date software as base of teaching of computer Science quite often are heard echo of struggle with cosmopolit(an)ism. Business that the old programs basically russianize legal (Framework – Èíôîðìîíòàæ) or illegal (dBase – Ðåáóñ) way. Such "«homebrew", are more correct "«äîìîÄÎðîùåííûå" of the program by many teachers are considered "OUR". Their use as though protects from possible(probable) reproaches in unsufficient patriotism, in inclination before West etc.

The employment(occupation) on Computer science in many our high schools can be reduced to such simple model. The teacher learns(teaches) to take a square root on the calculator with four elementary actions. There is more modern calculator with a key of a capture of a square root. The teacher asks to not pay attention (holds back) on this novelty and still learns(teaches) to reduce a capture of a root to elementary arithmetic actions. Most interesting in this model that basic weight of the pupils … has no any calculator and all these actions will carry out(spend) on a paper …

In heading of the thesis 2 numbers 20 can be replaced with number 2-3, not changing essence of a problem. It happens so, that on employment(occupations) on computer science learn(teach) not that, it is useful to the future expert, and that, software, which the main faculty for performance ÍÈÐîâñêèé (commercial) of the projects poorly connected to educational process has chosen. The third situation – choice of software for educational process is defined(determined) not by his(its) utility, and it(him) license agreement.

The thesis 3. By and large choice of this or that software can not especially influence the contents in any way and technique of teaching of computer science

On idea it is best to teach the students beginnings of that educational discipline, which we name Computer science on an example of elementary teams of the processor (machine codes) computers established in a computer class, where the laboratory employment(occupations) will be carried out(spent). In this case it is possible completely to open theoretical and practical base, on which be based/founded (on) modern computer science with its(her) bits, bytes etc. But … we read the following thesis.

The thesis 4. The teaching of computer Science can be constructed on the basis of tasks of parallel disciplines

Not only it is possible, but also, apparently, it is necessary, if we want by a rate of computer science to impart at the students taste to the decision of educational tasks, typical, course and degree works on the computer. Here it is important in this or that example of this or that educational rate to see a typical task (decision of the equations and systems, algebraic and differential etc. etc.) and to decide(solve) her(it) on the computer in " purefy; refine " a kind. In this key the thesis 3 (previous) any more does not work – important to decide(solve) such tasks by modern computer means.

Examples of such examples.

Plotting – AutoCAD, mathematical analysis – computer symbolical mathematics (Maple, Mathematica, Mathcad etc.), numerical methods – programming etc. At such intersubject communications(connections) to the good teachers (the assistant of the lecturer) will be the young graduate of the given high school (faculty) knowing both computers, and modern methods of the decision of concrete educational tasks on it(him).

( The author has made attempt to involve(attract) computer Science even in the decision of tasks of humanitarian rates – see atricle « Mathcad and some secrets of fiction » –

The thesis 5. There is no such other discipline, the contents and technique of which teaching we can / are compelled to change, almost each year

It is connected first of all that Computer Science is now one of the most dynamically developing sciences. If on employment(occupations) are considered(examined) "«alive", instead of "«dead" software, software developed and supported by real firms and distributorship by a network (by the dealers "of «black" copies), it means, that almost each year there are new versions of the programs with new opportunities, which are necessary are to displayed in an educational rate By(with) computer science. 2000 year was especially rich on such novelties, when as from a bag on the market the software with a postscript "2000" was thrown out. Now it is necessary to expect a certain pause for development of novelties and inclusion them in educational process.

The thesis 6. The discipline Computer science, alongside with base disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry etc.) penetrates all disciplines of all rates – from first up to last

Continuity of a rate "of «computer science" in relation to other disciplines, other years of training (senior rates), to rates closely connected with Computer Science here is important. Poorly (and can even and well), if on different educational rates the different approaches and different software (programming languages) for the decision of different tasks will be given.

Computers, the information technologies not simply penetrate all technical disciplines (exact sciences) – they change also them and technique of their teaching. To this process while very much "«resists" classical (not applied) mathematics. When the author studied in an elementary school, within the framework of lessons on arithmetics there were employment(occupation) under the oral account. The teacher spoke, for example, « 83 on 56? » Also considered(counted) up to five. If the answer was not or it(he) was incorrect, was put bad ball. The motivation was those – you owes quickly and exact consider(count) in mind(wit), differently you in real life will shorthand in shop, for example. Now microcalculators and electronic store balance this motivation have brought to nothing. Lessons of arithmetics (at least, home tasks on this discipline) it is possible it (is (necessary) to build that the schoolboys have under a hand calculator. The similar critical situation develops now with maximum mathematics, from her(it) « by the oral account » – manual capture of limits derivative, integrals etc. The computer analytical transformations (symbolical mathematics) automate this work, liquidating thus its(her) motivation. All this requires(demands) radical reconsideration of the contents and technique of teaching in high schools of maximum mathematics, to that is free or involuntarily oppose (to) many teachers. In due time was forbidden to bring in school microcalculators – now many teachers do not approve, when at the decision of tasks on maximum mathematics the computer even on such innocent theme as construction of the diagrams of functions is used. The introduction of computers in teaching mathematics can even change … the name of this educational discipline. As you to like "«Kîìïüþìàòåêà"! (In January, 2002 the competition on the best name of a magazine on computer mathematical packages was carried out(spent). Variants of the names offered by the author "of «theses" – COMPUMATECA, Gauss.exe, MathWare …)

The thesis 7. The algorithmic thinking becomes certain atavism, interfering to development of modern information technologies

Very much frequently defence counsels of that point of view, that "«Computer science" should be filled first of all by programming, refer that to the students there should be inoculate an algorithmic type of thinking, a type of thinking based on technologies of the step-by-step (consecutive) decision of a task with final number of these steps. But the algorithmic thinking interferes paralleling of process of the decision; it be unable to help to decide(solve) the incorrectly put task etc. Algorithmic thinking serves first of all for the decision of tasks on the computer numerical methods, while the increasing role is got by(with) analytical methods (symbolical mathematics).

There is an opinion, that the student, before, for example search for a root of system of the algebraic equations should to study algorithm of the decision of this task and his(its) realization on one of algorithmic languages. The same opinion exist, occur, be current of years 30 back in the attitude(relation), for example, square root: before to work with this built – in function, it is necessary to study, as she(it) is decomposed in a number(line) of elementary functions, and to work at first with them, developing the algorithmic thinking. Now modern mathematical packages and scientific calculators (supercalculators) allow by one operator to decide(solve) the majority of typical tasks of a rate of maximum mathematics without coding algorithm. It enables to study algorithm of the decision of a task so to tell, in cognitive, instead of in utilitarian the purposes, finding out, for example, essence of restrictions of this or that operator or functions of a concrete mathematical package.

The thesis 8. There is no such other base discipline, the contents and technique of which teaching so would be influenced so by(with) laboratory base

Very much frequently contents of a rate "«Computer science" is defined(determined) not by desires and knowledge of the teacher, and … by those by computers, on which it is necessary messages of employment(occupation). If the requirements of transition of the license software will be harden; exasperate; embitter, the contents of a rate will define(determine) not only "«iron", but "soft". The theme not license "soft" in educational process by the author is mentioned in article « the Open letter of the pirate to address the computer editions ».

The thesis 9. In development of means of the decision on the computer of nonproduction tasks it is possible to allocate three stages

The first stage – work with machine codes

The second stage – work with the programming languages of a high level

The third stage – work with physical and mathematical packages

Now many teachers "«cling" to the programming languages, approximately as well with the same reasons (see thesis 7), as in due time (years 20-30 back) they or their predecessors "clinged" to machine codes. The physical and mathematical packages allow on the order to reduce terms of performance of the settlement (educational) projects, to return in accounts physical sizes (full-blooded; sanguineous use of units of measurements – see article of the author « Mathcad and Mathcad – work with units of measure » The physical and mathematical packages allow to transfer the teacher educational accounts without dread, fear, that it(he) will not understand them, not knowing this or that programming language. The physical and mathematical packages allow richly to illustrate of a slip scientific and business Graph, to supplement Animation for an illustration of those or other conclusions. The physical and mathematical packages allow to proceed(pass) to paperless technology of performance and protection of the educational projects.

The thesis 10. Pleasure from study

Main (first is more correct,), that the student should receive on employment(occupations), is not knowledge, not skills, and … pleasure. To learn(teach) the students to beginnings of programming for performance of the educational plan it is possible, but use, good, and main, the pleasure from it almost will not be. To begin lecture on computer science from the story about basic programmer designs is at once to divide an audience into two parts: one parts of an audience it is not clear, another – is not interesting. And in that and friend cases – pleasure any. The computer, as the statistics shows, on 80-90 of % is used as a games hookup. The man the basic skills and skills (to go to speak, to go by a bicycle, to be rolled on a ski etc.) gets effortlessly; as if it were child's play. The computers give us good chance to wash away a side between game and (while boring) study, having dragged up (having stretched)((dragged out)) the period, when all is learnt in game, with infantile of years in youthful and even mature years.


The addition to the comment of 10-th thesis received from Alexej Klimov ( Certain Eric of Bern (ý) in the book named in Russian translation" of Game and the people, people and games " shows, that except for game and the works are certain " structuring of time ", "employment", as would tell pioneer leaders about children in camp. Shortly stating, man, on Bern, it is easier " to do(make) anything ", than nothing to do(make). And the computers promote that. more than usual at home, (where only one generation is familiar with PC): in small apartments, where the partitions are impossible, is realized virtual enclosure: while the teenager behind the computer, the adults not thrust oneself (upon); intrude (upon) to him with advice(councils) and criticism, as do not understand (many). And for the sake of IT it is possible to teach(learn) everything (so to each fourth child).

In groups, where I teach, PC there is only at everyone 5-th and among them the guys are appreciable, for which "study" of computer science is a way multisequencing, paralleling, parallelization with the parents. IMHO.

Some comments received on e-mail:

I shall tell about own study.

It was and is disgustingly. The training suffers by any dogmatism. Only and not differently. Having normal computers (300-400 PII), till now hollow Pascal under DOS. Only because the teacher does not know another. If pass 3õ-ìåðíûå of system of designing, then a return situation, much do not tell, as it costs(stands) of money, and for the salary do not want to open secrets. What for? Will learn to build three-dimensional bricks and that well. The heads, which did not see it in the training, will be happy. And what still it is necessary?

We passed Mathcad and what? The teacher has bought the book and together with us passed her(it), not preparing to seminars? In a result for a semester we having not time(were in time) by the equal account anything, but to us have set course and have told: " And now, show the ability to work with the books ". And not so it is important, that the books in library is not present and to consult there is nobody. In general, Higher school and method of construction on me melancholy inspire, arouse, occasion. In institutes nobody is necessary to work. And if remain, hesitant, stuttering of a brake, which can not explain anything, and still torment the students, only because at personal life has not managed and now around all are guilty.

Know, is ridiculous. At first speak, that the knowledge is impersonal, and then force to learn(teach) names and dates.

Therefore I so was delighted to your atricle.

What can be addition!? Unless in government – salary to lift to the teachers, that there was a competition. Then also programs will begin to vary.

Yours faithfully, Denis

The additional theses O.Kolesov – dean of faculty of Automatics and computer facilities MPEI

The thesis 11. The computers all will penetrate into more deeply educational process, but it does not mean, that the work of the teacher should depreciate

The thesis 12. The creation of the electronic textbooks and grants(manuals) pursues two purposes:

· perfection of the correspondence form of training;

· creation of methodical complexes on a new basis.

The thesis 13. The teachers in significant weight are much less prepared in the field of use of computers in educational process in comparison with the students

The thesis 14. The modern diplomaed technical expert, taking possession computer technologies, in the obligatory order should study: maximum mathematics, discrete mathematics, numerical methods, even one of algorithmic languages of programming and to know about principles of construction and work of the computer

The thesis 15. Besides the widely widespread personal computers there are specialized processors (microprocessors) used for monitoring and management by technological processes as independent, and in structure of a uniform computer network

For "«revival" of such computer network the expert should confidently own all receptions used experts in area Computer Science.

The thesis 16. Standard packages: Microsoft Office should be studied in discipline "Computer science" independently by home preparation

The thesis 17. The mathematical and special software packages: Mathcad, Maple, MatLab, Mathematica, SKADA, LabVIEW etc. it is desirable that the students studied independently at passage of special disciplines under the direction of the teachers, owning these packages, of the appropriate faculties

However most part what was spoken above about, the computer Science does not follow "« push in(to), shove in(to); squeeze in(to), stuff in(to), cram in(to), force in(to) " in a rate. "The «push-button" technologies should be trained on the senior rates, then also updating of a rate Computer science should be carried out(spent) less often.