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    Solodov AP (1962) The end effect and temperature distribution in the tube with insulated terminals. Thermal Engineering 6: 60-63

    Solodov AP, Isatchenko VP (1965) Heat transfer by condensation on the wave shaped surface of horizontal tube (in Russian). Proceedings of ZKTI 57: 160-164

    Isatchenko VP, Solodov AP (1965) Heat transfer by condensation inside the vertical tube (in Russian). Proceedings of ZKTI 57: 148

    Solodov AP, Isatchenko VP (1967) Statistical model of dropwise condensation (in Russian). Teplophisica vysokich temperatur. AN SSSR. Vol.5, N. 6: 1032-1039.

    Solodov AP (1971) Condensation on laminar fluid jet. Thermal Engineering 4:50–53.

    Isatchenko VP, Solodov AP, Samoylovith Yu.Z (1972) Experimental investigation of water steam condensation on turbulent fluid jets (in Russian) . Heat and mass transfer. V.2. P.1. Proc. of IV All-Union heat mass transfer conference. Minsk

    Isatchenko VP, Kushnirev VI, Solodov AP (1972) Heat transfer analysis for condensation from gas-vapor mixture on dispersed fluid jet (in Russian). Heat and mass transfer. V.2. P.1. Proc. of IV All-Union heat mass transfer conference. Minsk

    Isatchenko VP, Solodov AP (1972) Heat transfer at condensation on continuous or dispersed fluid jet. Thermal Engineering 9

    Isatchenko VP, Solodov AP at all (1976) Heat transfer at dropwise condensation initiating by promoter injection. Thermal Engineering 12

    Solodov AP, Gorenflo D (1976) Zur Berechnung d. Waermeuebergangs bei einphasieger freier Konveftion in der Naehe d. kritischen Zustandes. Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung 9: 151-158. Springer-Verlag

    Bier K, Gorenflo D, Engelhorn H, Solodov A (1976) Waermeuebergang bei einphasiger freier Konvektion in der Naehe des kritischen Zustandes. Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung 9: 193-202. Springer-Verlag

    Isatchenko VP, Solodov AP, Sennikov VV (1979) Heat transfer at vapor jet condensation in fluid flow. Thermal Engineering 5: 20-24

    Spasskov MV, Solodov AP (1983) Heat mass transfer calculations for vapor jets – fluid in PWR equipment (in Russian). Problems of atomic science and engineering. (series: Reactors physics and engineering) 7(36): 50-55

    Isatchenko VP, Solodov AP, Jakusheva EV (1983) Heat transfer at water steam condensation with octadecyl additive on vertical plate. Thermal Engineering 9: 49-51

    Isatchenko VP, Sotskov SA, Solodov AP, Omarbekov TO (1983) Heat transfer at water steam condensation with octadecyl additive on horizontal tube. Thermal Engineering 10: 52-55

    Solodov AP, Ejov EV (1984) Mathematical model of jet condensation (in integral form). Heat and Mass Transfer - VII. Proc. of All-Union Heat Mass Transfer Conference. V.6. P.1. Minsk

    Solodov AP, Ejov EV (1984) The jet condensation model. Thermal Engineering 3: 32-35

    Isatchenko VP, Solodov AP, Maltsev AP, Jakusheva EV (1984) Asymptotic analysis of dropwise condensation (in Russian). Teplophisica vysokich temperatur, AN SSSR. Vol 2. N 5: 924 – 932

    Solodov AP (1985) Linear instability analyze of phase interface (in Russian). Interinstitute Transactions 54:105–116. Publishing MEI, Moscow

    Solodov AP, Spasskov MV, Ustinov AK (1985) Experimental investigation of jet condensation by laser diagnostics (in Russian). Theses of reports of VII All-Union Conference “Two-Phase Flow in Power Machines and Plants”. Leningrad. Vol 2

    Solodov AP, Ejov EV (1985) The numerical analysis of adjoint problem of mixing condensation (in Russian). Theses of reports of VII All-Union Conference “Two-Phase Flow in Power Machines and Plants”. Leningrad. Vol 2

    Saltanov GA, Solodov AP et al (1986). Surfactant Influence on Heat Transfer at Boiling and Condensation. 8-th International Heat Transfer Conference and Exib., S-F, California, Aug.17-22, N.p.b. 07

    Solodov AP, Jakusheva EV, Krukov CL (1988) The features of water steam condensation with octadecyl additive on tubes from various metals. Thermal Engineering 2: 25-28

    Sevastyanova LA, Solodov AP, Globa VZ, Tkachenko SI (1988) Jet condensation of water steam in swirl flow of organic fluid. Thermal Engineering 2: 68-70

    Solodov AP, Ustinov AK (1988) Investigation of the condensation cone pulsations. Thermal Engineering 7: 62-65

    Solodov AP (Ed) (1986) Practicum in heat transfer (in Russian). Energoatomisdat, Moscow. 286 pp

    Solodov AP (1990) Numerical model of heat transfer by direct contact condensation. Thermal Engineering 10

    Solodov AP (1992) Integral method of boundary layer problem (in Russian). Publishing MEI, Moscow. 79 pp

    Solodov AP, Ustinov AK (1992) The laser investigation of the integral and spectral pulsation parameters of vapor jet condensation in fluid. Heat Mass Transfer MIF-92. II Minsk International Forum. Vol IV

    Solodov AP, Sidenkov DV, Kutakov II (1993) Physical and mathematical model, algorithm and program for computation of heat mass transfer and resistance in steam condensation in inclined tubes. In: Proc. Engng. Foundation Conf. on Condensation and Condenser Design, St Augustine, Florida, ASME, pp 569–580

    Solodov AP, Sidenkov DV (1994) Algorithm of numerical solving of heat convection problem in areas of composite geometry (in Russian) In: Proc of the First Russia National Heat Transfer Conf. Publishing MEI, Moscow

    Solodov AP (1994) Interface instability and turbulence in liquid-vapor system (in Russian) In: Proc. of the First Russia National Heat Transfer Conf. Publishing MEI, Moscow

    Solodov AP, Kutakov II, Sidenkov DV (1994) Algorithm of numerical model, algorithm and program for computation of heat mass transfer and resistance in steam condensation in inclined tubes. In: Proc. Engng. Foundation Conf. on Condensation and Condenser Design, St Augustine, Florida, ASME, pp 569–580

    Sakrevski SL, Zanev SV, Solodov AP, Sidenkov DV (1994) Diagnostics of in-line equipment in the system of regenerative heating. Thermal Engineering 1

    Solodov A, Eroshenko E (1996) Calculation of the two-dimensional temperature distribution in finned tubes at pool boiling. In: Gorenflo D, Kenning DBR, Marvilett Ch (Eds). Eurotherm Seminar Pool Boiling 2, Edizony ETS, Pisa, pp 141–147

    Sakrevski SL, Zanev SV, Solodov AP (1994) Diagnostics of low pressure direct contact heat exchangers by using the appropriate mathematical model. Proc. MEI. ¹671 “Optimization of the power system flow diagrams and states”

    Salomsoda FG, Solodov AP (1997) Heat and mass transfer by condensation and sorbtion from geothermal steam (in Russian). Proceedings of the Russia Academy of Sciences, Energetika 4: 35–47.

    Sakrevski SL, Solodov AP (1998) Dynamic model of the low pressure direct contact heat exchanger. Thermal Engineering 7:48–51.

    Solodov AP (1999) Solving of Falkner - Skan Equation in Mathcad. Computer Press 5. Supplement on CD-ROM

    Solodov AP (1999) Solving of partial differential equations in Mathcad. Computer Press 12. Supplement on CD-ROM

    Grigorjev BA, Remisov VV, Sedich AD, Solodov AP (1999) Energy efficiency by gas transport (in Russian). Publishing MEI, Moscow. 152 pp

    Solodov AP (1999) Computer Model of Nucleate Boiling. In: Lehner M., Mayinger F. (Eds) Convective Flow and Pool Boiling. Taylor & Francis, pp 231–238

    Budsuljak BV, Grigorjev BA, Sedich AD, Solodov AP (2000) Heat engineering problems by gas transport (in Russian). Industry of Russia 10–11:112–117

    Zoy AD, Solodov AP, Klevzov AV, Pronin AV, Romanenko AN (2000) Study of water steam condensation by air cooling (in Russian). Promishlennaya energetika (Industrial energetics) 8. pp.17-24.

    Egov EV, Solodov AP, Yushkov BV (2000) Calculating model of heat and mass transfer by direct-contact condensation. International scientific and practical conference «Ecology and energetics-2000». Materials of conference – Moscow.: MPEI Publishing house. pp. 364-367.

    Solodov AP, Ochkov VF (2001). Mathcad/Differential models (in Russian). Moscow: MPEI Publishing house. 2001. 239 pp.

    Kazandgan BI, Solodov AP, Takaev BV (2002). The air-type solar collector with transparent thermal insulation of the capillary type (in Russian). Vestnik MEI 3. 18 pp

    Solodov AP (2001) Dynamic model of system with heat generation (in Russian). Vestnik MEI 1: 43–49. Publishing MEI, Moscow

    Solodov AP (2001) Heat transfer near the stagnation point at ñross tube flow. Thermal Engineering 3: 75–77

    Solodov AP (2002) Gravitational bubble flow. Thermal Engineering 8: 59–64

    Solodov AP (2002) Heat-mass transfer principles (in Russian). Publishing MEI, Moscow. 96 pp

    Solodov AP (2002) Gravitational bubble flows at increased steam-content. Proc III Russian National Heat Mass Transfer Conference. Vol 5, pp 110-113. Moscow: MPEI Publishing house

    Rogkov AB, Solodov AP (2002) Kinematic shock waves of vapor-content. Proc of the I. All-Russian school-seminar of young scientists and specialists ‘Energy-saving – theory and practice’, pp 200-203

    Ochkov VF, Pilschikov ÀP, Solodov AP, Chudova JV (2002) Analysis of motion of concentration front in ion-exchange filter. Proc of the I. All-Russian school-seminar of young scientists and specialists ‘Energy-saving – theory and practice’, pp 253-255

    Takaev BV, Kazandgan BI, Solodov AP (2002). The solar collector with transparent thermal insulation of the capillary type. Proc of the I. All-Russian school-seminar of young scientists and specialists ‘Energy-saving – theory and practice’, pp 256-261

    Solodov AP, Romanenko AN, Egorova NV (2002) Calculation model of heat mass transfer in cooling tower. Materials of the III. All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Effectiveness increase of power equipment”. Ivanovo, pp 185-188

    Ochkov VF, Pilschikov ÀP, Solodov AP, Chudova JV (2003) The analysis of ion exchange isotherms with Mathcad. Thermal Engineering 7: 13–18

    Solodov AP, Ejov EV, Egorova NV (2003) E-book version of the course “Heat and Mass Transfer” (structure and examples). Theses of report on All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Human measure in information-oriented society ”. Moscow. Ministry of Education RF, pp 53-54

    Solodov AP, Romanenko AN, Egorova NV, Ejov EV (2004) Differential model of transpitation cooling in cooling tower. The Vth Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum. Vol 2: 321-322

    Solodov AP, Ejov EV, Egorova NV (2004) E-book “Heat and Mass Transfer for power engineering”. Theses of report on All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Educational sphere today and tomorrow”. Moscow. Ministry of Education RF, 252 pp

    Solodov A, Ochkov V. Differential models. An Introduction with Mathcad. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York. 2004. pp 232.

    Solodov AP, Romanenko AN, Egorova NV, Ejov EV (2005) The differential model of heat and mass transfer in cooling towers (in Russian). Vestnik MPEI 2: 43–53


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