2010 March 29.WSP 6.5 released.
You can see what's new in this release in readme file.
You can download new version here.
Also you can find additional downloads for new version of the WSP in download section.
2006 January 30.WSP 6.0 updated to version
In this release: Updated module for network electronic hardware key.
You can download new version here.
2005 November 25.WSP 6.0 updated to version from November 25 2005.
In this release: Fixed bug while processing suffix "g" (gramm) in gas specifications (functions for calculating properties of gases and their mixtures). This bug can lead to wrong gases properties calculations (functions with prefix "wspg") at simultaneous usage of suffixes "g" (gramm) and "kg" (kilogramm) in one gas specification string. In case of using gas identificators no error occurs. In case of using only one type of suffix (as example only "kg" or only "g") in gas specification string no error occurs. Additional information about suffixes given in documentation in chapter "Properties of gases and gases mixtures" in section "Format of gas specification string".
You can download new version here.
Also you may use small tool to update from version to version (any language): download and execute file wsp60134-35update.exe
2005 April 29. To samples section added sample with gas functions which use gases specifications to calculate properties of moist air.
Now you can compare two kind of gas functions: with gas identificators and gas specifications.
2005 March 25. To information section added article about equations used in gases functions.
2005 March 25. WSP WWW-site significally redesigned. I hope it will help to work with information on WSP.
2005 February 22. Released WSP 6.0.
You can download new version here.
Updated documentation on WWW-site.
2004 December 10. In download section added file "wsp.mcd" which resolve the problems with WSP functions with units in Mathcad 12. (see F.A.Q. article: "How to solve the problem with WSP functions with dimensions in Mathcad 12?").
You can download file here.
You can see the article here.
2004 November 1. Available for download new beta 8 of the WSP 6.0. In this beta changed the time of work: until January 1 2005.
You can download programs here.
2004 October 19. Added to F.A.Q. article: "How to solve the problem with WSP functions with dimensions in Mathcad 12?".
You can see the article here.
2004 August 23. Available for download beta 8 of the WSP 6.0.
You can download programs here.
What's new in this beta:
- Solved the problem with functions help in Microsoft Excel.
- Excel add-in fully rewritten with XLL technology.
- Added support for English and Russian versions together.
- Added program "WSP Updater" - now you can quickly check for new WSP releases.
- Some changes in installer.
- Changes in installer to support the Mathcad 12 beta file extension association bug.
- Some changes in documentation.
- New beta-version work until November 1 2004.
2004 June 01. Available for download update of beta 7 version of the WSP 6.0. With this update you can use beta-version until 2004 September 1. To use update, please reinstall the program with new installation package.
You can download programs here.
2004 March 22. Available for download beta version of new version of the WSP: 6.0 beta 7.
Also available to download beta-version of the WSP Custom Units - the program for using your own defined dimensions in WSP functions. You can download also source code for WSP Custom Units.
You may download new programs here.
2004 January 22. Available for download beta version of new version of the WSP: 6.0 beta 6, build from January 22 2004.
Also available to download beta-version of the WSP Custom Units - the program for using your own defined dimensions in WSP functions. You can download also source code for WSP Custom Units.
You may download new programs here.
2003 December 29. Available for download beta version of new version of the WSP: 6.0 beta 4, build from December 29 2003.
You may download new version here.
2003 December 15. Available for download beta version of new version of the WSP: 6.0 beta 2, build from December 15 2003.
You may download new version here.
2003 March 25. Updated the section F.A.Q. with the hint "How to show the WSP functions descriptions in Mathcad 11 'Insert function' dialog".
2001 October 18. Released new version of the WSP: 5.6, build from 18 October 2001.
You may download new version here.
2001 May 16. New edition of the WSP available: WSP "US units edition". This edition of the WSP define new functions with dimensions in US units system.
You may download beta-version here.
2001 May 9. Released new version of the WSP: 5.5, build from 9 May. In new version added support for metastable area of supercooled steam.
You may download it here.
In www-site of the WSP section Samples has been changed.
2001 April 18. New sertificate (from April 16 2001, # AK-35/4) for the WSP from GOSSTANDART OF RUSSIA (http://www.gost.ru). You may find electronic copy here.
This certificate describes that WSP functions reproduce the values from the standart reference data (GSSSD R-776-98) and the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam.
2001 April 17. New build from 17 April is released.
New version of the WSP is available in download section.
In www-site added new section: samples.
2001 January 25. New build from 25 January is released.
2001 January 23. New registration rule. From the 22 January 2001 the registration will be affect only current version of the WSP. See details in F.A.Q..
2001 January 23. New version of the WSP is available in download section.
2001 January 17. New build from 17 January is tested now.
2001 January 14. Released new version of the WSP - 5.2. New features available here. Downloaded may be here. In www-site appeared F.A.Q..
2001 January 10. Available beta-version of the new release: WSP 5.2. The new features: functions with additional arguments (p, h), (p, s); functions for Joule-Thompson coefficient; new WSP Calculator; modules for usage WSP in Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual Basic, etc. You may to download new version here.
2000 October 23. Updated WWW-site.
2000 September 11. Released new version of program: 5.1 (build from 8 September).
2000 August 31. Updated www-site: WSP is now officially registered program. See Certification section.
2000 June 16. Updated www-site and released new version of program: 5.1 (build from 16 June).
2000 April 24. Updated www-site.
2000 April 14. Updated release version of WSP: 5.0 build from April 14.
New build available in Download section.
2000 March 24. Updated release version of WSP: 5.0 build from March 24.
2000 March 21. Release new version of WSP: 5.0.
New features of this version:
- All functions are rewritten in the language C ++ and are compiling in dynamically link library (DLL).
- The speed of the calculating in the Mathcad was increased on the average at the order (in 8 - 14 times) after matching with old versions.
- Became to possible usage of a package "WSP" in other software.
- Complete set of delivery includes the program "WSP Calculator" for calculation of properties of water and
steam in Microsoft Windows together with source.
- Examples of usage "WSP" in Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel and even Windows Scripting Host also deliver.
- The new functions for calculation of properties of water and water vapor are added.
- From reasons of unification all functions have received new names (no compatibility with versions "WSP" below 5.0).
- The installer has appeared.
For downloading please goto download section.
1999 December 10. Available beta version of WSP 5.0.
New features of this version:
- All functions are now written in C++ and used in Mathcad with USEREFI feature.
- The speed of calculations is increased more then 10 times.
- Two ways usage WSP: with and without dimensions.
- All functions are available from the Insert Dialog of Mathcad.
- Functions also may used in Mathcad 7 Professional (but with restrictions).